Chapter 2 - Enter The Host...

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Anti and Jack's POV

"The Host? Who's that?" (Y/N) asked us. They seemed genuinely interested so we decided we should probably tell them, rather than them finding out by accident.

"Well..." We began, we didn't want to scare them so we were going to try and keep our cool whilst we tried to explain Host to them. "Host, or Mark as he was originally called, was my best friend who I was dragged into this mess with. We had a murder pinned on us and because of my MPD and Mark's slight Schizophrenia, the judge immediately believed that we'd actually done it and sent us straight here. When we first arrived, me and Mark were in rooms next to each other and were with each other at any points during the day that we could, because we knew that we didn't belong here. Over time, our mental states got worse." I explained to (Y/N) they seemed intrigued as to how this was all going to fold out so I was going to continue but Anti decided he wanted a go now instead. "I started coming out more, at first, I loved messing around with Mark by changing Jacks mood and scaring him. Then, I noticed that he was starting to act strange. He started referring to himself as Host and would lash out at me and Jack whenever we called him Mark. We didn't know what was happening so one day, when we were going to try and ask him, he lost it completely."  I wanted to continue so I kindly switched back and continued describing that horrific day on which I realized that the person I knew as Mark was no more...

"He lashed out on us completely, he threw us against the wall and started strangling us, if it wasn't for another inmate that spotted us and grabbed a guard, we probably wouldn't be here..." Just the thought of that made me depressed. Mark, our loving best friend, tried to kill us.

"After the guards managed to pull Mark or 'Host' off of us, he was transferred to a new cell. This new cell is far away from all the others and he isn't even allowed out of there anymore, he has to stay in there and gets his meals through a slot in the door. I still feel sorry for him, even though he did that, there still could be some good Mark in there somewhere..." My voice trailed off as I finished my explanation to (Y/N). They seemed intrigued yet horrified by what they had just heard. I then remembered one crucial fact that I forgot to tell them.

"Oh and (Y/N), never, and I mean never, call him Mark. You could end up being caught like us and receiving the same or a worse fate. He promised to us that he would hunt down anyone who ever called him by the name Mark. I really don't want that to happen to you (Y/N), you'll end up staying in your cell from the paranoia that he'd get you as soon as you step out. That's what's happened to us, we're absolutely petrified. I don't know why he hates it so much but he just does. One last thing, he refers to himself in third person so don't get creeped out when he says Host instead of I or me." Although I told them not to get creeped out, I very highly doubt they'll be completely fine with this. We were highly considering not telling (Y/N) this next bit, but we thought we better had do for their own safety.

"There is just one thing that the guards don't know... And th-that's the fact that H-Host can get of his cell.... That's why we stay in the corner of our cell arguing, he constantly comes and torments us from outside the door at night.... we're way too scared to retaliate so we just let him walk all over us...."  Our vision started blurring and we knew that we were going to start crying again. We didn't want to appear weak towards (Y/N) so we tried to hold them back but, despite our best effort, they continued to flow like a waterfall down our face.

"Jack? Anti? Please don't cry, I'll make sure that he doesn't get to you tonight!" (Y/N) stated with a proud look on their face. I don't think they understood that, regardless of what they did, he would still come for us...


I was still with Jack and Anti when I could faintly hear something being sung. It sounded like a nursery rhyme and it was heading down the hallway towards us.

"London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady..." What on Earth is that singing? It sounded creepy and in a way, childish? I turned back to face Jack and Anti, they had their eyes closed and were quivering in the corner of their cell, tears overflowing from their eyes like a breaking damn. I approached them and rested a hand on their shoulder, they let out a petite whimper and more strangled sobs.

"Anti, Jack, it's okay, it's only me. There's nothing to be afraid of, I'm not going to hurt you." I tried to calm them, all attempts were futile. Once they had settled a bit and could utter a coherent sentence, all they said to me was.

"(Y/N), he's here. The Host, he's coming...." They stared me directly in the eyes with a piercing gaze, their eyes looked washed over and they were still shaking like mad... I decided that I would make a mad dash back to my cell, mainly to distract the Host from Anti and Jack, but also to make sure that I wouldn't get caught in the morning and get thrown in a different cell. I decided to tell Jack and Anti my plan, I could hear the singing getting closer so I had to hurry.

"Anti, Jack? I've decided that I'm going to make a dash back to my cell in hopes to distract Host from you two... Come to the cafeteria and, if I make it, I'll see you there tomorrow." I put on a brave face and started walking towards the door. I heard Jack and Anti call out to me and try and grab me, but I just slipped out of their grasp. Little did I know that this would set of an incredibly long string of bad luck for me. I haul open their cell door and make a mad dash down the corridor, I hear the singing get closer and closer by the second. Just as I'm about to grab the heavy door to my cell to haul it open, I feel hot breath on my neck. I froze.

"My... Fair... Lady...." Those three sung words terrified me. I didn't dare move. I made my next mistake by slowly turning around to be greeted by a face, inches away from mine. The man, who I assumed was Host, had slicked back, black hair and bandages around his eyes that were coated in blood. The blood from the bandages was leaking out and trickling down his cheeks to his neck. I screamed and only just noticed a metal bat in his hands. How on earth did he get that?! The next thing I processed was, that same bat heading towards my head. SMASH!! The last things I heard before I completely passed out were a low, hearty chuckle and Anti, along with Jack, screaming my name.

 "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!

The Host is mad... (Hostiplier X Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum