Chapter 5 - The story of the Host

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I stared at Host, not quite in disgust, more so in a sense of curiosity. Gently, I placed my hand to Host's cheek and ran my thumb underneath his hollow eye socket, as I wiped away some of his bloody 'tears' that had begun to dry on his face. I took in every detail of Host's intricate features, wishing that I could take away some of the obvious pain that he had been through; electroshock therapy can't have completely rid Host of his eyes, it would've had to have been something else, like the doctors purposely removing them.

"Host...what happened to your eyes?" I asked gingerly, as I tried my hardest to not give off an impression to Host that I was scared and concerned. He leaned into my hand, which was growing ever colder as I stayed in this room, and 'looked' at me, he had an expression of sorrow on his face and it seemed as though he had a distaste for recalling whatever had happened to him.

"Host knows that Y/N does not like looking at Host with his bandages off, neither would Host... if Host could still see. The men in the white jackets took Host's eyes," I presumed that Host meant the doctors when he said 'the men in white jackets', but I did not interrupt and kept listening to Host's explanation.

"They took Host's eyes because Host refused to become like him again, so much so that Host hurt one of the men after they shocked Host for an especially long time. Once Host realised what Host had done, it was too late. Host was strapped to a table and stabbed with a needle that made Host go to sleep, when Host thought that Host was awake, all that Host could see was pitch black, even with Host's eyes open." I gasped at the thought of the asylum doctors removing Host's eyes without any medical or rational reason to need to do such an awful procedure.

"When Host asked one of the men why Host couldn't see," He continued to explain this terrifying ordeal that he was put through, "he simply replied with 'If you wont become like him again and you can't see, it helps us stop you writing those wretched stories and just gives us one more reason to keep you trapped in this loony bin.' then he walked away and left Host to ponder on what Host did to deserve this unfair and unjust punishment." Host ended his recount with an obvious distaste and animosity towards the doctors here at the asylum. I'm not surprised though, I would be incredibly enraged at the thought of being unfairly punished for something that was not my fault as soon as I arrived somewhere.

Host must be so lonely being trapped in this dark and gloomy cell, with no one to talk to but himself. He may not think of Jack and Anti as 'friends' now, but in all honesty, I think they were the only ones who kept him even a little bit sane. Being blind and trapped in a cell with no windows must be undoubtedly frustrating, nothing to look at or do; Host cannot even write the stories that I presume he used to love doing before those vile people impaired him. Speaking of Host's stories, I've never heard him mention those before, I'll have to remember to ask him about those later, once he's calmed down again.

Now Host had his hands clawing at his face again in anger and they were getting dangerously close to his eye sockets, which was running the risk of starting up the bleeding again. I grabbed Host's forearms and tried to pry his hands away from his face. "Host, come on, let go of your face. It's okay now, everything is all right now. Would you like me to put your clean bandages on your eyes now so that you can't hurt them?" I suggest calmly to Host as I gently pry his rough hands off of his face, which was now red from frustration and he nodded to let me know that he would like me to.

As Host's hands released their grip on his delicate face and they came to rest on my knees so that he could know where I was, I bent to my side again to pick up the bandages. I let the bandages rest in my palm as I turned Host's head to face me properly, I kept assuring Host that I didn't mind helping him and wasn't going to leave him until I absolutely had to. By morning I would have to be in my cel lagain so that the wardens wouldn't get suspicious or find out that I had managed to escape my cell during the night, if they did find out, they would probably put me in one of the high security cells that always have wardens on guard; those cells are usually saved for the criminally insane and are just completely white, padded rooms with no windows or decorations of any description, if I were to be put in one of those, any hope of seeing Host ever again would be lost. I finished tying the knot behind Host's head and placed my hands on his. Host gave me a small attempt at, what I could guess was, a beautiful smile once again. I would love one day to be able to see that smile in the light, for in this room I can barely even make out Host's appearance.

I figured that the time had finally come where I would have to say goodbye to Host and head back to my own cell before the morning wardens started their rounds. I looked back up to Host's face from my lap and told him that I would have to depart back to my own cell and promised to try and figure a way to see him during the day tomorrow,and if that was found to be impossible, that I would sneak out at night and find him again regardless.

As I left Host's dark and dreary cell, all that was running through my mind was:

How do I tell Jack and Anti?



Hey guys,

So, how'd ya like this update? You find out more about what happened to Host but finally have to depart back for your own cell. What a tragedy this is turning out to be

Now, I have a question for you all:

Who is another youtuber/ alter ego that you DON'T like?I may need one for the next chapter, and if you would like to see a certain YouTuber or alter ego appear in this book, leave a suggestion in the comments

I'll see ya in the next installment


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