Chapter 7 - The Pain

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As I was eventually locked back in my cell for the rest of the day, I had time to think about my conversation that had just occurred with Dr Iplier. It was clear to me now that he must have heard me at least mention Host's name in order to have any reason to question me on the subject. Whilst in a world of my own, trying to conjure up any sort of way that Dr Iplier could've heard my conversation with Jack and Anti, I heard my stomach rumble; the feeling of hunger consuming me as I realised I hadn't eaten at all before I had been dragged away. I decided that if I took a nap I could consecutively ponder about the situation with Dr Iplier and get rid of the hunger temporarily. So, with a shaky breath, I let myself fall into the the sweet embrace of sleep.

When I woke up, it appeared as though the cells had all been locked for the night and the patients were all asleep, I imagine the silver moon shone brightly outside and the world looked at peace. As I had just slept, I thought that I might as well stretch my legs a bit and go and visit Host as I had promised him the night prior.

The guards had no reason to suspect that my cell's lock was broken, so they hadn't fixed it and I was able to slip right out into the dark and somewhat quiet corridor. When I was walking down the hall, I was in no hurry so took the time to listen to the patients mutter in their sleep. Some spoke about 'endless suffering', some were crying about 'the night pills', but one patient spoke of 'ze good doctah', and although I had no idea who that doctor was, something about it stuck with me. I'd have to see if Anti or Jack knew who it was later. Before I moved further towards Host's room (well, cell I suppose), I decided to have a look at who was mumbling, maybe I could talk to them personally, or maybe I already had? As I get closer to their cell, I could hear 'laughter', but not the normal sort of laughter, the type where you can't really tell if they're laughing or crying.

As I approached the small window in their heavy cell door, I could start to make out their face and it looked like they actually were crying! Wait, no they're not. Is that, paint? Why on earth would someone paint tear streaks down their cheeks? I swiftly decided that I had seen enough of the other patients for tonight and continued on my way to Host's cell without a second thought.

With shaky steps and a cautious hand, I gently pushed open the door to Host's cell. It appeared as though Host was sleeping but that was quickly disproved when he rose due to the creak of his door when it opened. "Hello? Who is in Host's room?" He questioned cautiously, but I could sense an undertone of anger, maybe from being woken up? Host made a few clicking noises to help him find me, eventually pinpointing my location and awaiting my answer.

"It's just me Host, it's (Y/N)" I eventually answered, and with what little strength I had left in me from not eating, I made my way towards the edge of his bed and sat down wearily. As I sat down, Host enveloped me in an almost bone-crushing hug. I hug him back but gingerly pull away after a while and talk to Host about how Jack and Anti reacted when I told them about him, he found it amusing, which was a relief. Once that part of the conversation was over, I asked Host to let me check his bandages for him, I only replaced them yesterday, so they didn't need to be replaced so soon.

As I sat back down from checking on Host's bandages, he questioned me on why I was shaking, he said I felt nervous and he wanted to know why because it was making him worried for me. Reluctantly I decided that it was best to just tell him rather than try and keep an impossible secret, "Well Host, you know how I was telling you about lunch with Anti and Jack?" he nodded, "Well, before I had even managed to eat anything I was dragged away by a doctor, Dr Iplier. He angrily brought me out into the hallway and started interrogating me on whether I knew you or not. Of course I said no, otherwise it would've ended badly for both of us! But then he said that if he found out that I was lying and that I did know you, I would receive a worse fate than yours. How does he know you Host? Is he the one that did this to your eyes?".

We sat in silence for a bit as I waited for Host to answer me. Before he does, he pulls me into a hug again and wipes my cheeks as I had started crying without even realising. "Yes (Y/N), Dr Iplier did do these things to Host, but that gives him no reason to threaten you when you have nothing to do with Host in that way. Host will make sure that he never makes you feel like this ever again." Host squeezes me and then harshly pulls away. I try to convince him to not be so mad about it and that it doesn't really bother me, even though really it does and I just said it because I know if Host takes any action towards Dr Iplier he would only receive extremely harsh punishment and I could run the possibility of never seeing him again.

I place my hand on Host's chest "Honestly Host it doesn't-" I'm cut off by Host pushing me in a blind rage. I don't immediately realise what just happened until I'd fallen off of the bed and my head hit the concrete floor with a sickening THUD. Tears leaked from my eyes as I came to my senses and the pain kicked in. I somewhat remember Host hurling apology after apology after apology at me and trying to see if I was all right. I climbed to my feet just as Host stepped off of his bed and turned away from him. "It's okay Host, I can see that you're not in a good mood at the moment, it's not your fault."

And I left...


Gosh, I have now realised just how bad I am at making promises for updates on this book


New tiny cameos for two individualsssss (who are they? How big of a part to this book will they be? When will I ever stop adding new characters?)

Any constructive criticism or feedback would be appreciated in the comments



Thank you as always, I'll see ya in the next installment


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