Chapter 4 - The Eyes...

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Host whipped his head around to face in my general direction at an inhumane speed. Even though I couldn't see Host's eyes, it felt like they pierced my soul with daggers made from rage. I knew from this look alone that I was in BIG trouble with Host.

"Host has said that Host does not like being called that Y/N..." His words seethed with disgust, his frown being etched ever deeper into his face. The room felt like it was getting smaller, I was becoming claustrophobic, the presence of Host's anger was becoming more and more obvious, it was suffocating.

I felt like I needed to escape from here; a door, a window, anything would suffice as an escape route; but alas, I knew that it was futile as Host was a lot faster than me and would have lots more chances to find me again as it doesn't look like I'll be leaving this hell hole of an asylum any time soon.

"I-I'm sorry Host.." I replied as I backed away slowly, fear coursing through my veins at just the thought of what Host could potentially do to me if he so wished. I heard some more clicking noises from Host's direction and figured that he was trying to get a better idea of where I was in order to show me he was listening. I thought about calling out for Anti and Jack, but I figured that they either wouldn't be able to hear me, or wouldn't be able to get their heavy cell door open.

"Y/N..." Host began, "How did you know that name?" The words, filled with a mess of anger but also curiosity, lingered in the air. I couldn't tell if Host was angry or not anymore as he seemed to be void of any visible emotions, even his clicking had stopped, signifying that his undivided attention was now solely focused on me and my explanation.

"I, um, was told by Anti and Jack when they first met me. They were telling me how you had all ended up in this hell hole." I cautiously started my explanation, but when I happened to glance back over at Host, he seemed to have a somewhat amused look spread across his face. I thought I had said something wrong so, carefully, I reached out to place my hand on Host's shoulder; Host flinched, but did not pull away.

"Did I say something wrong Host? Would you like to explain it yourself?" Host 'stared' at me, eyes still covered up by bloody bandages that were probably uncomfortable by now, and was probably contemplating all of the different things he and I could say or do. As I patiently waited for an answer from Host, I took the chance to look around Host's cell in a bit more detail; there was a set of drawers, alongside the plain bed, that were probably full of more formal, white shirts and black trousers. Although we were in an insane asylum, each resident was aloud to choose one outfit that they would always wear, Host's consisted of those two items, topped off with a long, beige trench coat that he would always wear. On the other side of the room was another, smaller, dark oak set that I had previously come across to retrieve the fresh bandages for Host's eyes. The only other thing in this desolate cell was a heavy iron door with a small slot in which guards slipped Host's meals through; this made me feel slightly empathetic towards Host, as he had to live in complete darkness whilst trapped in this cell, even though he can't see, it must be nice to at least feel the sun on your skin every once in a while.

Once I had finished taking in all of the small details from Host's room, I turned back to face him and he looked as though he was ready to talk. "It is true Y/N, Jack, Anti and Host were all brought here together, well, not really Host.... Let's not talk about that any more... Host had to deal with lots of pain from the doctors before Host was put in here, that is why Host can't see now because of all the medication and electroshock therapy. They used to do that to Host in order to try and get Host to become more like him again. Host will NEVER be like him again." Host was visibly seething with anger by now, and it didn't look like he was going to be calming down any time soon. Host's hands were tangled in his hair as it appeared as though he was trying to pull it out in utter frustration, I placed my hands around Host's to signal that I was still here and that it was time to calm down. I understood that Host had a hard time dealing with emotions, especially when he got angry, so I brought his hands down to his sides and said: "Host? Host, it's okay, it's only me. How about we change those bandages now?" with this suggestion, I placed my hands to Host's head again and reached for the tight and bloody knot behind his head that was keeping the soggy bandages together.

As I did this, Host reached for my arms and solemnly said: "Host is sorry Y/N at what you will have to see in order to change these for Host. Host does very much appreciate how kind you are being, even though Host has been terrible towards you." I smiled and placed brought Host's arms back down to his lap and told him, in the softest voice I could muster, that it doesn't bother me in the slightest and that he has no need to worry.

As I had a small fight with the tight knot on the back of Host's head, I just wondered as to why Host would be so scared of me seeing under the bandages; the knot finally came loose and the bloody bandage started to unravel, I looked to the side of me as the bandage came off in order to retrieve the clean bandage that had rolled off of my lap. It was only when I looked back up at Host's face that I froze, it wasn't just that Host was blind,

He had no eyes all together...

Hey guys, A here, and I know I promised to have a more prominent update schedule and yet its been almost two months since I last updated*sigh*

I honestly have no excuse for why its been so long, but, as I'm off from school for the next two weeks, I will try and get another chapter of this book up and published... Hopefully

If you have any ideas as to what you think might come next, or any thoughts on the book anyways, please feel free to comment or message me

See ya in the next one


The Host is mad... (Hostiplier X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें