Chapter 3 - The bandages

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-3rd Person POV-

As (Y/N) is knocked unconscious, Host picks them up and heads towards the door of Anti and Jacks cell.

"Host told you that he would come for you. This is your punishment for letting Host get taken away." Anti, who was currently in control, looked straight at Host and was about to make a snarky remark but was stopped when he realised that Host looked almost, sad? Anti nor Jack had ever seen Host look upset. The first time, they thought he was crying blood which was when he originally had his bandages wrapped around his eyes and blood started running down his cheeks; they then realised that Host just had too much blood and it wasn't his fault. They'd never seen him express any other emotion other that anger after that. Before Anti could force his remark out, Host had already left, carrying (Y/N) bridal style in his arms.


As I start to come round, I feel something underneath me, it was, soft? I rub my eyes and sit up, I then realize that I'm layed on a bed in a room I didn't recognize. As I pondered where in this asylum I was, I heard what sounded like... crying? So then,whoever's room I'm in, they're crying for some reason. I decided to get out of the extremely comfy bed to find whoever was crying. I listened to the crying and followed it to another corner of the room.Once I got there, I could hear that they weren't only crying, but seemed to be scolding themselves in a way that was similar to Jack and Anti.

"No, no, no, you did a bad again Host. You hurt them and they did nothing to Host. Host needs to apologise, yes, Host shall go and apologise." It appeared as though Host was scolding himself, probably for bringing me here. As I was caught in my track of thought, Host stood up and bumped into me.

"Oh!(Y-Y/N) Host is sorry! Host didn't see you there, are you okay? Host didn't hurt you did he?" Host seemed to be very nervous, I hope he doesn't lash out on me...

"Y-Yes Host, I am fine. You didn't hurt me, see, no worries!" I spin around to show Host that he didn't hurt me. Once I did, I swear I got a glimpse of a smile from Host, but, as soon as it was there, it was gone. It looked like the most gorgeous smile I'd ever seen, I'll have to convince Host to smile for me again once I've gained his trust.

After a few moments I decided that now seemed like a good time to ask Host why he was like this; it could potentially be a really bad idea, but none the less, I decided that I would like to know.

"Host..?" I said in a meek voice. I was choosing my words very carefully as I knew that one wrong move could potentially cost me my life, and quite frankly, I wasn't planning on dieing today...

"Yes (Y/N)?" He replied. There was a lot of emotion in those two words: Anger, curiosity and sadness. It did make me pity host as I had a feeling like he had been through a lot. If the bloody bandages around his eyes didn't give it away, I'm sure the fact that he refers to himself in third person and how scared he seems to be, would.

The bandages on his eyes seemed to be thoroughly soaked in his blood, and it looked rather uncomfortable for Host. There was blood trickling down his smooth cheeks like a river or a waterfall that was heading straight for his chin and the corners of his mouth.I wonder if host would let me change his bandages after he explained to me, I hope he would. It makes me rather unhappy to think of what sort of pain and discomfort Host could be in right now, so I decided to not waste anymore time thinking about what could be,and instead, focus on making that happen.

"I'm sorry if this is a sensitive topic for you Host, b-but I was just wondering, what did happen to your eyes and to you in general? Did someone hurt you?!"I said in a very wary and cautious tone as I was aware that Host could retaliate and possibly hurt me if I made one wrong move.

"(Y/N). Host did not want to talk about this now, but Host supposes that if (Y/N) is really that interested in Host, then Host can talk about it." Host begins in a meek voice, it appears as though he is choosing his words carefully.

"Host was originally put in here with another one, and another name.But Host doesn't like that person or that name so Host will not tolerate anyone who uses them. Host lost his eyes from the people on the outside, they didn't like Host so tried to get rid of Host by using electricity, it didn't work so now Host doesn't have any eyes. Don't worry though,Host can still see without eyes, host sees with sound!" Host ended his short and disturbing description off with a childish giggle.

"So you see using echolocation Host? Is that what you mean when you say that you 'see with sound'?" I questioned Host to see if I could coax any more new information out of him.

"Yes! Yes that's what Host means! Host can see without eyes but that doesn't mean that Host's eyes stop bleeding. Host's eyes have never stopped bleeding,that is why Host wears a bandage to cover them. Host needs to change Host's bandage soon, but Host can wait until (Y/N) is gone, because when Host takes the bandage off, Host doesn't want (Y/N) to see what is underneath." Host trailed off towards the end of his sentence, but I managed to understand what he wanted to say anyway.

"Would you like me to help change your bandage now Host? It looks thoroughly soaked in blood and extremely uncomfortable for you. You even look like you've been crying blood because the bandage has been leaking that much!"I tried to lighten the mood with Host as he still seemed quite tense and nervous around me.

Host gave me a solemn nod and pointed in the direction of where, I can only assume, the bandages are kept. I stood up and approached what seemed to be a cabinet pressed up against a wall with Host's metal baseball bat resting beside it; inside the drawer that Host claimed the bandages were, there was rows and rows of clean bandages, a few of which were already speckled with Host's blood from, when I imagine, he didn't have any bandages on at all in between changes.

I grabbed a roll of fresh bandage and retraced my steps back towards Host. He had gotten up and moved himself to sit on his bed, I tapped him on his shoulder and he violently swung back round to face me.

"Don't worry Mar- I mean Host, it's only me..." I mentally scolded myself for nearly calling Host, 'Mark' and hoped that he didn't pick up on it. It turns out, as Host had lost his sight, his senses such as his hearing had improved and heightened drastically, so it turns out that I was pretty much out of luck in hopes of him not hearing me...

Hey guys, it's A here.

Sorry for the extremely long hiatus, I was just caught up in some personal business.

I promise that I will update more regularly from now on and let you know when I won't be updating for a while.

Any questions? Leave them in the comments!

Bye for now!

The Host is mad... (Hostiplier X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя