Chapter 6 - The doctor

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The next day, as promised, I met Jack and Anti in the cafeteria to discuss how my night with the Host went. I was glad that I finally had permission to leave that damned cell, even if it was only for a few hours a day to eat and exercise in the fenced off facility outside, as I was being driven slowly into madness in that cramped and padded cell; even if I had only been in there for a couple of days. I approached the heavy, grey doors to the cafeteria and immediately was hit with the invasive commotion from inside against my precious eardrums; a mix of angry shouting and just casual conversation. The inmates that were starting to get riled up were always kept a close eye on by the guards who made sure that nothing ever got out of hand (otherwise they'd restrain the inmate and I don't even want to think about what happens when they get taken away...). When I finally spotted Jack and Anti sat at one of the cold and round tables, I wasted no time in rushing over and sitting opposite them. As I sat down in such a hurry, the table made a loud resonating sound and startled them both out of their daydream haze.

"Y/N! You're alive, thank god!" Jack gasped as his attention was finally drawn to me, he looked as if he hadn't slept at all and was going to collapse at any minute.

"We thought he would've KILLED you!" Anti continued, sounding even more desperate and sleep deprived than Jack did (if that was even possible).

Once I had gotten Jack and Anti to believe that yes I am still alive, I told them that I was going to get something to eat. As I imagined, asylum food is not quite as great as food you might get elsewhere, I would compare it to what you see prisoners getting fed in movies; gruel, I thought, might be an adequate meal for it to be compared to.

After I received my lousy meal, that probably lacked in any sort of nutritional value, I headed back to the table where Anti and Jack were sat. As I approached them, I tried to think of a way to explain what happened last night with Host; if I told them that Host didn't try to kill me and that we are, to some degree, friends it would probably freak them out, but if I didn't, they might never let me go near his cell ever again.

As I was just about to get to the table, I bumped into someone who appeared to be one of the doctors at the asylum, "Oh sor-" as I began to apologise, I was interrupted by the doctor, who I now deemed as quite rude.

"Don't bother apologising patient number 230916." He said in a very agitated manner, "I'll be keeping an eye on you, just watch where you're going..." He commanded, abruptly followed by a sigh as he strode away from me, without a care as to what I might have wanted to say. I decided to not think too much of that encounter and finished what little I had left of my journey back to the table.

"What was wrong with him?" Anti questioned me as he glared down the doctor. I repeated to Anti and Jack what that doctor said to me quickly, as I did notice him give a glance in our general direction. Once I had finished, they gave an affirmative nod to signal that they understood and we quickly moved on from that topic; although I couldn't deny how it pressed on the back of my mind even after we had agreed that the conversation on that topic was over.

I decided that now was the perfect time to tell Jack and Anti what had happened last night with Host. "Guys, last night when Host took me back to his cell, I thought that I had messed up big time, but I was proven wrong. When I actually talked to Host he was really kind, sort of like a child in an adults body, he talked to himself a lot but he never purposefully tried to hurt me. In fact, he even let me..." I trailed off as I looked back up to meet, I presume, Jack's eyes. His eyes were wide and afraid, so I asked him worryingly "Jack what's wrong?" as soon as those words left my lips, I felt a hand clamp down on my left shoulder.

"Patient number 311016, I'm sure you wouldn't mind me borrowing patient number 230916 for a while, would you?" The doctor ended with a sneer. I don't know what could've possibly got this particular doctor on my bad side, unless he heard me talking about Host. I saw Jack and Anti frantically nod as the doctor dragged me backwards out of my chair and into a currently desolate corridor.

As I finally regained my balance, the doctor was already talking to me, "Patient number 092316, do you or do you not know who patient number 090515 is?" he inquired with a sense of authority. I simply shook my head as I was not familiar with any of the patients numbers here at the asylum. "Fine. Let me reword my sentence. Do you or do you not know who the Host is?" I felt myself visibly freeze for a moment at the realization that the doctor must've overheard at least a part of my conversation with Jack and Anti only a few minutes prior.

Reluctantly, I still shook my head, signalling to the doctor that I supposedly didn't know who Host was. "Well then, I suppose I shall leave you be. However, if I found out that you have lied to me, I will make sure that you receive a fate, much worse than Host's." The doctor spat through gritted teeth, "Oh, and to spare you having to call me 'the doctor' to other patients, my name is Doctor Iplier." and with that, he walked away, and I was ushered back to my cell.


Hey guys!

So,we meet Dr Iplier (Thanks for the suggestion HeroSlayer195 )

I appreciate just how many of you recommended different egos for me to use, just because the one you suggested wasn't in this chapter,doesn't mean that there's no chance for them to appear later on!

Also, who caught on to the few sneaky Easter eggs in this chapter?

Over the next 4-5 weeks I am going to try and get two more chapters out to make up for the lack of chapters recently

Any and all criticism is appreciated, and as always

I'll see ya in the next installment


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