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Gumball's P.O.V.

I was walking in the streets of my Candy Kingdom. People were walking for no reason at all. Greeting or complimenting each other on how they look. Yup just an ordinary day at my kingdom.

"Goodmorning everyone!" I greeted them with a smile.

         *cricket sound...

Wow they just snobed me. Hmmm > ^ < notice me senpai!

"Goodmorning Prince Gumball!" Well they finally notice me, then good for me.

I always do science things and also baking. Nothing too exciting going on in my life. Except for what I have found.

I was wandering through the Candy Forest. All I see was cotton candy trees and sour rocks. Just cake grass also sweet flowers.

But there is one thing that I saw laying on the ground... it was... a... water bottle! I know it's trash but hey I like collecting junks even though it's not my thing to do so.

I took the water bottle and went back to my kingdom BUUUUTTTT🍑 before that I should go and visit Fionna and Cake's tree house cause ya know, 'friends'.

[[At the Treehouse]]

I was at the treehouse of Fionna and Cake. I knock the door of their house and waited for someone to answer.

"Who is it!?" It was Fionna who ask.
"It's Gumball! May I come in?" I said. "Uh yeah sure you can come inside!"

I opened the door and climb up the ladder which goes to their living room.

"Oh hi!" I greeted them while their playing video games "Sorry I didn't answer the door for you, I'm almost beating Cake at this game."

"Watcha playing anyway." I said while placing my bag at their side "Cake Fight!" Cake exclaimed
"Oh Cake Fight. I know that game." I sat down with them having to play the game.

"Can I be next?" I was giving my hands to the controller "Wait I'm... almost... beating... Fionna!" Cake won well good for her.

"Why!? I was this close at beating you!" Fionna whined "Well you're just not good as me." Oh Cake what a show off.

"It's your turn Gumball." Fionna held the controller to me. "You better watch out Gumball she's really good." She adviced "Yup he sure needs too hahaha!"

We clutch our controller with our thumbs on the buttons.



"Get ready Gumball cause you're about to go down!"



"DONE! I won the game!" I finished it that was easy. "😱Uh... h... how!?" I know it was unbelievable but hey I've been playing this game many years ago.

"Well I've been playing this game a lot in my childhood days, and I know the tips & tricks!" I explained.

😱😱😱 She's still stuck on her unbeilevable state, haha.

I stood up and stretch my body like a dog would do, I'm not a dog okay!

I saw Fionna drinking her water bottle, which... looks familiar...

I took the same water bottle that Fionna's drinking.

"Hey Fionna is this yours?" I gave the water bottle to Fionna. "How did you get my bottle that fast?" So it's the excact same thing!

"But wait mine is here. Probably it's just someone elses." She took a closer look at the bottle "You guys are exagurating over a bottle." Yeah I guess she's right

I brought the bottle back to my bag and carried it. "See ya later!" I went outside to go to my Kingdom.

[[At the Candy Kingdom]]

I stretch myself, change my clothes, and went to bed to take a nap.

Such a weird day in AAA.

End of Chapter...

Wondering what it is all about??? Hmmm???

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