Another Problem

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Gumball's P.O.V.

"Stupid... always complaining... HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW!" I groan while walking to the swamps to find my own way home.

I don't know where I'm going but I'm sure I would get on the track before that ugly piece of garbage does.

Fionna's P.O.V.

Why do they have to argue in a such small thing! Agh so childish! Can't they just solve it rather than quarelling!?

I suddenly let out a shout.

"You okay gurl?" Cake ask.

"Uh yeah I'm fine it's just that, why do they have to fight over such a small problem? It's not like it unsolvable-"

"There's no word such as unsolvable gurl." Cake interrupted.

"I know anyways, huh... we better find them and make them apologize to each otherm. Even when it sounds childish."

"Got it gurl" She answered.

"Ice Queen you better go with Cake too so you can make yourself useful."

"Woooooooow so does that mean I was being useless all the time!? HUH!? THAT'S WHAT YOU WERE THINKING!? I'M JUST A UNNECESSARY THING-" I cutted her off.

"Just go and find Marshall."

I shooshed them off to do their objectives.

I ran to the direction to where Gumball was heading. The others did what I told them to.

Back to Gumball's P.O.V.

My legs were getting tired from all the walking. I was getting exhausted my body too was getting tired.

I was walking to a land of mud. It had trees with long vines in it and whenever I see one, I sway them off to clear my path.

I was also still muddy and dirty.

Just as I swayed away a vine I saw a thatched hut. I wondered why it was even here but I was grateful to see one cause maybe there's someone inside of it nice and generous that would help me.

I approach the strange looking hut.

It had stairs in it going to an open door with an open window too that has a set of potted flowers. Everything was open I guess this guy/gal really likes to breath air.

As I observe the hut, a woman walked out the door. She had a dark violet robe with a long pointed hat. I'm guessing she's a witch base on what she was wearing.

"Why hello handsome and, dirty wanderer. What brings you here?" She ask. Her voice was cracky and off just like how a witch exactly sound like.

"I was just finding my way home Maam." I replied to her.

"Oh, well, you must be getting tired from all those walking. Why don't you come inside and relax for a bit? Come along I have tea inside that you might like." She offered.

"Really Maam it's okay for you? I'm all dirty and I might get it all over your antics I mean appliances."

"No it's okay, that's why I live in the dirty swamps." She replied.

I was pondering for awhile but then, I felt confident since she was being nice so I said to myself, why not?

I went inside without hesitation.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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