Inspired and Motivated

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My whole life I've always loved music.. If I was ever upset i'd always turn to it as my escape from the real world blocking the negativity out and being in my internal zone. Besides just listening to music I also have a passion for singing ever since the age of 8 but I'm too shy to sing in front of an actual audience. I hope and pray that one day I'll get over my stage fright... I wanted to learn to play the drums at 9 years old but then my dad told me drumming is only for boys so I never even got a chance to play, I remember crying over it too. I started learning to play the piano at age 11 and the first song I learned to play was Fur Elise by Beethoven but then as the years went by I stopped. Ever since Prince died it made me realize that there aren't a lot of artists nowadays in the mainstream media who can actually play instruments... Which is a shocker and I remember back to an old Canadian interview Prince did from I believe 2003 where he talked about the importance of instruments and how he feels proud to see people picking up an instrument. He is my motivation to getting back on the piano and learning to play the guitar.. When I see a picture or video of him singing and playing an instrument I think to myself " That's where I want to be in life.."

- D 💫

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