Prince, The Kid, Christopher Tracy, 0(+> & Prince

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Prince not only a musician but also was an actor playing a semi biographical person called "The Kid" in Purple Rain and Graffiti Bridge. The handsome and mischievous gigolo named Christopher Tracy in Under the Cherry Moon, my personal favorite. In real Life He went from being Prince to 0(+> to being prince again but in a different way as in he changed.. due to his religion. He wasn't wild like he was in his younger days. Although, we sure do missed the "cursing & jumping off pianos and hitting the splits type Prince" he was still hip and funky in his later years. I can't believe some people have the audacity to disrespect, discredit, and belittle him of his craft, saying things like "Oh he's old news!"  "All he sings about is sex,sex,sex!", "Isn't He Gay?!" And the one that really triggers me is "He's not relevant anymore!!" It's clear that whoever says such things don't know of Prince like WE DO. They shouldn't have underestimated the Emperor of Music. He Created over a thousand songs, probably more in his vault, selling albums back to back during his 40 year career span, Put 100% of effort and dedication in everything he's done as an artist and as a businessman, had a good taste in fashion and dressed better than most females in the game. If another guy tried to emulate him, music or fashion wise he might end up looking and or sounding ridiculous and corny because not a lot of people can pull a prince like Prince can.

There are similarities between Prince and the characters he portrayed like the charisma, the sense of humor and of course the music you can see him playing on his piano and writing some lyrics down which is pretty cool. We can also some of the real Prince's personality show in his movies. I don't know if I'm the one who had thought about this but I see some similarities between the relationships of Christopher and Mary with Jack and Rose from Titanic. The rich girl who's stuck in between getting married or setting herself free for her own good and the boy who's quite a ladies man who's despised by the rich girl's parent and doesn't want their daughter to have any interactions with the boy because of who he is. The rich girl ends up running away with the boy because she realizes she loves him and unfortunately, the boy ends up dying in cold blood for the girl he loves.

In Purple rain, the interaction between The Kid and Apollonia when they first meet when he tells her to give him the bracelet she had on her ankle and he playfully tell her that it isn't hers anymore reminds me of the story of how Prince and Denise first met when they swap jackets backstage at an award show and he wanted to keep hers that he had on and apparently they were the same size. Also how flamboyant the Kid was and how reckless he acted towards his band and Morris day, even towards Apollonia.

During Prince's last televised interview with Arsenio back in 2014 he said that there's a lot of things he didn't do anymore and some things he still did do in his later years. Like I said before, he was still hip and funky.

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