105: I'm it.. AGAIN

189 9 18

I got taGGED AGAIN by Hey_ItsZzy omf😂😂😂😂😂

y'all Imma post facts abt me that I haven't told in the prev chap

y'all Imma post facts abt me that I haven't told in the prev chap

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13 facts about the Swaeg Queen

1) I'm 14 years old

2) I hyperventilate often bc fangirling

3) I sometimes get insomnia idk y doe

4) I was born on April 15,2002 and i'm 5 days younger than Ken lol

5) Fave subject is Lunch and dismissal

6) ifdk

7) I get disappointed with myself often

8) I'm 5'5

9) I hate school

10) I hate teachers

11) I hate people who are trying so damn hard to reach something they can't reach.

12) I hate people who talk to me like she's a fucking president or something.

13) I hate people who's arrogant and sadistic. If u slap me so damn hard while u laugh Imma slap u so damn hard ur head will fall off no joke.

That's probs it. Imma tag ppl who are reading this bc im too lazy bahahaha

love u


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