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i miss writing boysquad (will, josh, gabe, ken and swan) chatrooms so im making one bc why not

*sean added you and 5 others..

sean: hello idiots

you: swan tf are you up to

sean: i'm bored so im going to annoy the shit out of you people :)

gabe: ok wow

*josh left the chat..

*sean added josh..

*josh left the chat..

*sean added josh..

*josh left the chat..

*sean added josh..

josh: im fucking done.

sean: let me live you fake ass the weeknd

will: oh shit he went there

you: oh dear lord

kenneth: did someone mention the holy name of thy Lord?

you: gAaHh

you: whY DID U ADD HIM

kenneth: i'm part of the boysquad

kenneth: ....unlike you.

will: ooo shit he also went there

you: ok um i'm ready to throw hands ???

kenneth: i wILL THROW YOU

gabe: um

you: ok guess what i'll beat ur ass

kenneth: at least i hAVE AN ASS

kenneth: unLikE yOuoUoU


you: i-

josh: can i like... fucking leave?

sean: shut up josh they're gonna fight i gotta watch

will: gtg dance practice

gabe: .....in the middle of the night?

sean: ha

will: damn it gabe i was trying to make an excuse

gabe: o yeah

gabe: i have dance practice too

gabe: with matt

gabe: new video

kenneth: gabe

gabe: new song from uh fetty wap

kenneth: gabe u suck at this stop

sean: y'all boring.

you: puta ka.

kenneth: HEY

gabe: oHmYgOd

sean: ???

kenneth: (y/n) hOW-

gabe: brb laughing my ass off

kenneth: unacceptable

kenneth: very violent

josh: why am i laughing

will: same, i dont understand filipino but whY the hell do i feel like i know what that means

sean: ....what dOES THAT MEAN

*you left the chat..

*kenneth left the chat..

*will left the chat..

*gabe left the chat..

*josh left the chat..

sean: ....

sean: okay seriously

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