Chapter 5

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Raven's POV 

I woke up to Lyra nudging me with her nose.

"Ugggg leave me alone." I grumbled into my pillow.

"It's time to get up. you have the ninja test today" (A/N: ninja test..... lack of a better word? lol)

"Ugh, I don't care. I'm sleepy." I told her.

"We'll you have to get up." she said back.

"No." I whined

"Fine" she said leaving the room letting me fall back in slumber.

My brain registered the door opening but not really caring. That was until my bed was soaked with ice cold water waking me up also instantly.

"L-Lyra! You catty bitch!" I yelled the pun at her.

She just gave me a smug smirk and a swaggered away. leaving me shivering in my soaked pyjamas.

"Ugh sometimes I hate that stupid cat." I muttered to myself as I stripped the wet clothing off of my shaking body.

As I got into the warm water I let out a sigh of contentment and relief. When I got out I quickly changed into my normal clothing black shirt and black pants putting the bandages on and my ninja sandals. After I combed my black hair and brushed my teeth I walked into the kitchen glaring at the big beast sitting in the table look as happy as a lark.

"I really hate you sometimes you over grown cat." I told her with no real heat behind my words.

"Yep." was her reply as she jumped off the table waiting for me to feed her.

I went to the refrigerator getting out her food, throwing it at her.

"Here fur ball" I told her with a fond smile.

I went back to the fridge getting out some eggs and jam. I put two pieces of toast into the toaster while cooking two eggs on the stove, trying not to burn myself...again. when I had the eggs done and the toast toasted I put the egg on the bread with the strawberry jam.

"Yummmmm~" I moaned lightly after I bit into the breakfast sandwich tasting the yummy-ness.

"I'm getting better'' I told Lyra who was watching me from her perch in the counter.

After my family had died leaving the the only one other than him alive I had to start fending for myself, which meant learning to cook my food without hurting myself and cleaning up after. I had to learn to shop for clothes and food. It wasn't easy but I was getting it, slowly but surely.

"We'll we should probably head out now." I told Lyra after I finished my breakfast getting a drink of milk from the gallon, not wasting my time by getting a glass.

We walked to the academy in comfortable silence. When we got there we took a seat next to Sasuke, not because I wanted to but because I had to Iruka-sensi had put me here when I moved here. Lyra laying her head on my sandal covered feet. Settling down to take a nap while I sat here not learning anything.

I sat there blocking out the word that we're coming out of the older ninja's mouth. I stared ahead thinking of everything and nothing all at the same time.

''Lyra?" I spoke threw our mind link to my sleeping companion.

''Yes?'' She asked her voice groggy even in my head.

"I'm bored'' I told her grinning.

"You woke me up to tell you were bored?'' She asked exasperated.

"Yup. Isn't pay back such a bitch?" I asked with a smile.

"Raven? Are you paying attention?'' Iruka-Sensi asked me with a frown on his face.

A Raven's Call (Sasuke love story, Yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now