Chapter 2

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Your POV:

I stepped out of the ruins and it instantly got really cold.

"This... i-is unfortunate," I managed to say through chattering teeth. I have never handled the cold very well and I didn't pack a coat or jacket because well I didn't know what to expect. I continued to walk still cold until there was a large stick in the path but it was much too heavy to pick up, so I passed right on by a few feet later and I hear a snap! I fling my head back, nobody was there but the stick was completely broken.

"O-ok now t-this is ge-get-getting scary," As I said that I turned back around to start walking. Flowey woke up.

"Good morning," He yawned.

I screamed because I was already high strung and he spooped me.

"What! What! Are we in danger?!" He shouted.

"N-no," I said, "I think..."

We walked on until we reached this bridge with really thick bars that were too far apart to stop anyone.

"Human...." A strange voice said I was frozen in fear, "Don't... you... know... how... to... greet.. a.. new pal? Turn around and shake my hand."

Not wanting to know the consequences of not doing what they asked I turned around and shook his hand.


Then he burst out laughing at his own joke, "ahhh the whoopie cushion in the hand trick it's always funny." Then he paused once he got a good look at my face.

I was staring intently at this guy too he felt familiar bit didn't look at all like any monsters I knew.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" we both said at the same time, " Whoa this is creepy... Why are you copying me?"

Then I decided to stop talking.

"Stop Fu***** copying me!" He yelled my eyes got big. Then I turned and started running away.

"Flowey you were right these guys are nothing like I knew them on the surface," I was running.

"I told you!" Flowey said, but at that moment I realized I wasn't moving anymore I was suspended in the air with a reddish aura around me.

"Too high! Too high!!!!" I cried up there being afraid of heights. I looked down and saw that guy from before, "uhh.... could you please put me down I really don't like heights at all."

"You remind me of someone else," he started putting me down, "the question is who."

"Well maybe telling me your name may help," I said, "you tell me yours and I'll tell you mine."

"Oh right... Forgot my manners but down here it is easy too," I wondered what he meant by that, "I'm Sans, Sans the Skeleton."

I couldn't believe my eyes this skeleton was Sans...

"What happened to you?! First of all, how did your tooth come back after that fight and..." I paused.

"How do you know about my tooth missing in the first place," His expression got really scary and mad at the same time.

"You don't remember me? Sans," I asked.

-Sans's flashback-

"Sans! Sans! Look, Look!" a little y/n was excited, "I drew us!"

"Wow, this is... Why am I an egg?"

"Because I think you're egg-silent," Jazz hands.

My eyes lit up and I flopped on the floor,"I'm dead now."

"No you're not," she pats my face.

"Yes I am your joke left me scrambled, you're an egg-tremely good comedian,"

Y/n giggled, "ok you can stop now."

"You kiddn'? I got a dozen of em'"


-end of flashback-

"You haven't aged a day," Sans was hugging me, "y/n..."

"I got that from Tori too..." I replied, "how is Paps?" I stepped back, Sans's expression changed and he started sweating.

"Different..." Sans stated, "definitely not that Papyrus you remember."

"What do you mean?" We started walking.

"Quick behind that snow poff!" Sans shooed me and I hid behind the snow poff.


"You know just chilling," Sans responded.


"I did get some work done a skele-ton of work," Sans laughed at his own joke.

I was trying not laugh because I love puns, "SANS BE SERIOUS!"

"I am serious I found a human," Sans explained.

"WHERE! SANS YOU BETTER NOT BE FU***** WITH ME!" I was so surprised with Paps strong language.

"I SHOULD WASH YOUR MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP! PAPYRUS!!" I yelled stepping out from behind the snow poff Flowey in hand.

"There's the human," Sans pointed.

I stood there with a play mad expression on my face.

"WHY IS THAT HUMAN SO MAD SANS!" Papyrus yelled.

"Because you dropped the f-bomb," Sans explained.

"LIKE YOU HAVEN'T!" Paps snapped back.

I put Flowey down and he started giggling because he knew what I was going to do. I was reaching into my backpack and pulled out two bars of soap.

"I think the two of you need to wash those words out of your mouth!" I stuck one in Sans's mouth.

I turned to Papyrus and tried to put one in his mouth but then there was a bone in my arm. It hurt a lot I dropped the bar of soap.

"You... don't remember me?" I asked looking at him, "hah... This is what I get for treating you like my old little pappy pal..."

Sans's POV:

Y/n looked at the blood on her arm.

"Y/n!!! are you ok?!" Flowey was panicked.

"THE... HUM-MANS NAME IS Y/N?!" Papyrus looked like he was regretting what he did, "DID SHE CALL ME HER... PAPPY PAL?"

"Paps... This is that human we knew on the surface," I explained to him.

Papyrus released his attack and held y/n when she collapsed.

"I'M SORRY," Papyrus was crying and holding y/n close to him.

"I'm pretty sure she will forgive you?" I reassured Paps.

"HER HP IS LOW SANS IT'S 2/20," Papyrus looked worried.

"Let's take her to the house and fix her wounds," I told Paps.

"Take me with you please y/n is my friend too!" it was that stupid plant.

"Alright you weed but mess anything up and we are burning you," I threatened.

"Ok..." the weed agreed.

Hang in there y/n you will be fine... I promise

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