Thieves and Stowaways - Rokino (Yukino/Rogue)

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Yukino Aguria was not a woman to be messed with. Despite her cute looks, the short woman could cut you with a second's notice and leave your head on a mantle for her own enjoyment. She was ruthless as all hell, and if one ever insulted her or her sister, her sword would go up your throat and through your skull before you even said a second sentence about her being 'soft'.

That morning, Yukino had found a boat and put her foot on it to test it. It held up against her weight, and even though she was not a large woman she knew good wood when she saw it. She wobbled slightly, still feeling inebriated from last night's big party. They had only served to save the ale from their old ship, which meant they had to find a new one. And find a new one she had.

"I enjoy this boat," she whispered softly, and then yelled to the rest of the crew to get moving.

"Minerva! Get on course. We don't have time for dilly dallying," she snapped her fingers once with the turn of her wrist, and instantly her crew got into place. They were a ragtag group of all different genders, sexual orientations, and even goals. Natsu Dragneel, her first mate, was in a committed relationship with his girlfriend Lucy Heartfilia, one of the maids. Gray Fullbuster was poly and in a relationship with Juvia Lockser and Loke the Lion both, and boy did they ever have a fun time together. Sting, the trans girl that was Yukino's best friend, loved Minerva like no other, but Minerva still had her doubts about the girl who brought her onto the ship with a fierce attitude and a boot to the ass.

Yukino prided herself on being pansexual which meant that she would reach down someone's pants and be fine with whatever she found, and the person would be marked down as afraid and really horny at the same time.

Yukino hadn't found her person yet. Every pirate on the ship had it's own person, but Yukino hadn't found her own. As she looked across the sea, she knew today would be different. Maybe she would find her person today after all.

"Yes, Your Highness," Minerva answered, turning the boat onto the salty seas. The rest of the crew held everything together. The sails were turned and everything else was kept in ship shape by the maids at the time. The crew members who were doing nothing right then started to clean up along with the maids.

"Your Highness, there has been a disturbance," Sting told her best friend, and whispered into her ear.

"What?" Yukino roared, and everyone covered their ears. "Well, since we're at shore, it will be my turn to investigate it."

"Shit, someone's dead," Natsu muttered to Gray, and the two chuckled into their palms until being silened by Yukino's icy glare.

Stomping her boots loudly, Yukino opened the door to the wine cellar and put her hands behind her back. Today, she was going to find a stowaway on her ship.

And they'd be damned if she didn't kill them.

"Come out now and I will hesitate to kill you," Yukino yelled across the cellar, and soon enough a black head popped up above the barrels.

"Have fun trying. Maybe I'll hesitate to kill you," the man said, hand already on the handle of his sword.

The captain grasped her sword's handle, brandishing it out to see its full length. The man only raised his eyebrows and gave her a look that could only be defined as amusement.

"Really? Your sword is but a dagger, miss," the man told her, and he pulled out his own and stepped forward with a smirk.

"I'm sure your real sword is but a dagger too, sir," Yukino spit, and with a single blow she knocked the sword out of his hand.

"Saucy," the man said with a short wink, and while Yukino was stunned by the man's dark eyes, he picked up his sword and swiped her sleeve off of her left shoulder. Yukino merely blinked as her shirt slid off of her shoulder and showed her left breast. The man looked at the revealed flesh for a moment with a small smile but then turned back to her gaze when he saw that she looked murderous.

"You dare to invalidate me, a queen?" Yukino snarled, and they parried for a few moments before slowing. The man was actually a good swordsman, but he had quite a few things to learn still.

Yes, Yukino was actually a queen. Her best friend, the duchess Sorano, had left the throne to become a pirate years ago. It was only natural that Yukino become the next pirate. Someone else could have that stuffy old throne. She wanted battle and sex.

"I don't care if you're a queen. If you're on my boat, then that means that you're a thief," the man spat on the ground and grinned at Yukino. Once again she was paralyzed for a moment by the man's dark eyes and bright smile, but she would not let herself be swayed. She was a queen after all, and she had a legacy to uphold.

Yukino realized that that morning they had stolen a boat, and they hadn't checked for stowaways. Shit.

The captain thought for a few seconds, sighing before deciding to apologize.

"Sir, I apologize. We took your boat, but we have no intention on giving it back. I have no way to repay you," Yukino told him as she bit her tongue. She didn't want to sound rude, but she really hated apologizing.

"The name is Rogue, miss. And there is a way you can repay me," he grinned and sheathed his blade.

Stepping towards her, Rogue looked quite hungry. Yukino covered up her breast by tying the fabric back together with her hands quickly. Was he going to grope her? Or worse?

Rogue stepped up to Yukino's head and she found that he stood a head taller than her. A light flush covered her sneering face, and she was at conflict with herself. He lowered his lips closer to hers, and slowly but surely inched his way closer to her mouth. Yukino opened her mouth with abandon, getting ready for a kiss from the stowaway.

But at the last second, he turned her head and whispered in her ear. "Let me join your crew, miss," he told her, and she pulled away and slapped him.

"I thought you were about to kiss me!' she flushed, her face full of indignation.

"Well, we can't always get what we want, can we?" Rogue said as he grinned.

"Fine, join my crew. But do not expect to be liked, Rogue," she growled his name with barred teeth. Yukino turned on her heel and headed up the stairs, her hips swaying.

"Oh, believe me, you will be the first to like me," Rogue whispered while watching her retreating form.

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