Ice Skates and Big Cats - Lyoray and Graylu (Lyon/Gray and Gray/Lucy)

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Gray's movements were like a swan's: graceful and beautiful. His leg kicked back in the full grace of the dance and he smiled as he completed the triple axel, if not with a bit of a wobble. With a confident smirk on his face, he skated up to Lucy, his coach.

"How was that?" he asked, his eyes full of arrogance. He knew he did well. Now all she had to do was tell him that.

"You did pretty good, Gray, I'll give you that. But you have to work on that landing," Lucy was now the one to smirk. She had noticed that he wobbled a bit on the landing.

Gray shoved his hands into his pockets and slouched. Usually he would be good on that landing, but today something was on his mind.

"Hello, my gorgeous figure skaters. What are you up to today?" Loke said as he came up behind them, hugging both of their heads to his chest with each arm. The ginger man had an affinity for figure skaters– but just the blonde and dark haired ones.

"Hey, Loke. We were just working on Gray's triple axel," Lucy grinned softly as she shoved his arm off of her head.

Gray did the same and smiled at the man he couldn't get out of his mind. They had their date last night, and he had thought about it when he tried to stick the landing for his triple axel.

"Of course you'll get it right, my love. And you have such a lovely coach, too," Loke purred, stroking Gray's jaw with his fingertips.

Electricity felt like it was in those fingers, and didn't Gray ever know it. The man's slender digits worked gold into everything he did–that's why he was such a good fashion designer. Gray proudly wore his colleague's leotards on the ice during performances... Even if they were a little tight in some places.

"Go show him what you've got, Gray," Lucy cheered, and Gray skated back onto the ice with dignity. Loke grinned and gave Gray a thumbs up and Gray lifted his arms to start the ice dance.

It was time to show his more than a friend what he was made of.

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