Back Massages and Bra Straps Part Two- Nalu (Natsu/Lucy)

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WARNING: nsfw. mentions of arousal. 

When Natsu heard Lucy's complaint of how terrible the rock climbing mission was for her, he immediately turned to glance at her chest for a moment. He had heard that girls sometimes had back problems with how heavy their chests got, and he knew that she was probably in a lot of pain.

Lucy dropped into a chair and rubbed her shoulders with a groan, and Natsu felt sympathy for the woman. Suddenly, he had an idea.

"Lemme help ya with that, Luce," he said, fingers now itching to touch her creamy skin. He really did want to help his best friend, but her skin felt amazing on his hands. And one day he wanted to touch her and make her feel real good.

Little did he know that that day was today.

Lucy dropped onto the floor so he could sit in the chair to relieve her pain. Cracking his knuckles, Natsu grinned and rested his hands on her shoulders to begin.

As Natsu pushed his fingertips deeply into Lucy's shoulders and kneaded, Lucy let out an illicit moan. Natsu's face reddened, but he continued.

'Shit,' he thought to himself, 'if she keeps making those noises, I don't think I can finish this massage.'

But he had to do it for her. She was his best friend, and she would do the same for her. He just didn't expect her to push her bra straps to the side of her shoulders when he rubbed her back. He saw the pale skin illuminated by the sunlight, and her shirt dipped low. And if he looked at just the right angle, he could see her cleavage...

Natsu shook his head to clear his thoughts and squeezed her shoulders, and Lucy seemed to like what she felt. Her head lolled back softly and she let out a deep exhale.

When he gripped her shoulders and rubbed his thumbs over the knots in her back, her moans quickly became wanting and sexual. Natsu's dick bobbed underneath his pants, and he fought off a groan of his own. If only he could rub it up against her back...

His thoughts turned to something he hadn't let himself think of for a long time: Lucy actually wanting him. Sure, she loved having him around–as a friend. They were close, after all. But as a lover in his mind, she became dominant and somewhat kinky. Natsu's dick rose up once more, and he had to force his hand to continue squeezing her back so he wouldn't masturbate.

"Is something wrong, Natsu?" Lucy asked, her voice husky. Natsu's face was bright red now, and he couldn't risk her turning around and seeing that he was in fact aroused by her.

"No!" he answered, and on accident he pushed down on her back on a knot with force.

He could now smell the wetness pooling at the base of her legs, and she let out a cry that almost made him come on the spot. Lucy whirled around and grasped his wrists, pushing his hands onto her large breasts. Out of instinct, Natsu squeezed and let out a strangled cry. Shit, they were so tempting and squishy! And dammit, did she have to wear such low shirts?

"Oh, Natsu!" Lucy panted, and instantly he pulled his hands back. She looked into his eyes, and Natsu noticed her eyes were now dark and full of lust.

As much as he wanted her in that moment, he knew he had to stop. They were just friends, but obviously Lucy's judgement was clouded for the moment.

When she reached to take his member in her clutches, Natsu immediately jumped out of the chair and ran out without so much as a goodbye.

'What the fuck have I done?' Natsu thought as he ran to his car and turned the ignition on. The engine roared to life and he backed out faster than he did when Erza was chasing him with one of her katanas when he accidentally broke one of her armors.

As he left, Lucy stared out the window in remorse. Natsu didn't even look back.

As he drove, he thought of Lucy. She was his best friend. But now...what were they? More than friends, less than lovers? Was he going completely crazy with the thought that she was maybe aroused by him?

He drove to his apartment quietly, listening to the singer on the radio croon his song about how he wasn't in love, but the sex was excellent.

Natsu shut it off with a fist, practically smashing the radio and cutting his hand with a shard of broken plastic from the screen.

Well, he sure as hell wasn't horny now. 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 30, 2016 ⏰

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