Back Massages and Bras - Nalu (Natsu/Lucy)

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Warning: Slight NSFW with mentions of arousal .


"Ugh, that mission was harder than expected," Lucy slumped into the couch and pressed a hand to her back and moving it up to rub her shoulders. Not only did her boobs weigh a ton, but for the mission today they had to climb a mountain to get to their destination. Who the hell thought it was a good idea for the small woman to climb up a mountain along with two other men and practically a woman bodybuilder?!

"Lemme help ya, Luce," Natsu said, coming around behind her, and Lucy picked herself out of the chair so Natsu could massage her shoulders.

She dropped down to the floor and exhaled, hoping that the pain would soon be over. Her shoulders almost always were sore from the weight of her chest, and sometimes the thick bra straps would leave indents on her shoulders. It didn't help that none of her bras were cute; what was one to do when their chest was a 34F?

In the instant that Natsu's large hands touched Lucy's shoulders, she moaned from how good it felt. He was hitting all the right spots on her back. No one had done that since a massage therapist, and she had to clamp her mouth shut to not moan around that person. But now, she could!

Pushing her bra straps off of their normal spot and onto the edge of her shoulders, she relaxed and sighed with an indescribable grin on her face. Ah, to feel relaxed and like you had a normal back for once!

Natsu's ears reddened rapidly, and when Lucy groaned once more when he began touching her back, he had to think about massaging Erza's back to not get aroused. Dammit, her moans were so nice! It didn't help that he could practically hear that she was being close to being turned on. Curse his advanced hearing!

Natsu moved his hands slowly down her back, kneading the knots that he felt when he pressed his fingers up against her. Lucy sighed happily, and thankfully Natsu was safe. All he had to do now was finish the massage and she would be happy with her.

Lucy couldn't help herself from getting the smallest bit aroused from the massage. His hands emanated heat, and he pressed hard enough that it felt like heaven on earth to her sore back. If he could just move his hands a few inches to the left and the right, he would be actually touching her breasts, which was the source of the problem.

Natsu pressed her hands to the small of her back, and Lucy sucked in a breath. If she could get him to massage her breasts, then she might feel better. Nevermind the now obvious heat pooling in between her legs... Lucy had a mission now.

Lucy whirled around quickly and placed Natsu's hands where she needed it most, and when he accidentally squeezed, she let out a wanton moan that made Natsu's dick bob up immediately. His eyes widened, and he let out a strangled cry.

"Oh, Natsu!" Lucy panted, and Natsu's hands flew off of her. Breathing heavily, his eyes darted to the door and back to her. Lucy stared at him underneath dark lashes. She was so cute, but they were only friends!

At least, he thought until she said his name like she was horny as hell.

Natsu bolted out of the chair and ran out the door without so much as a "bye, Lucy!"

Lucy gazed at the door with a confused look, and then dropped her head into her hands.

"Oh God, what have I done?"

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