Chaper five: Cold.

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maybe I can take care of myself? I'll just have to be smart about this.

I looked into the river water, there was my blood traveling into its currents. I started to lean forward. Might as well see the damage of my wound, right? The reflection of the water was not clear, but I could decipher colour, and boy was there a lot of red.

" I can't go in public like this.." I concluded sighing. " I gotta wash it off.." I knew I wasn't going to enjoy this. The water was freezing to the touch. But I reluctantly started to dunk my head into the water. I flinched. As soon as my face hit the water, my wound hurt like hell, stinging sharply. I lifted my head breathing heavily.

" at least I got most of it off" I mumbled still feeling the pain of it. I took off my open jacket, and put some water on my red sweater, then tried to rub the noticeable red stains off of it.

I wanted to erase all the evidence of what had happened. I wanted to forget. Like it never crossed my mind at all.

As soon as I was done I picked up my jacket. A breeze hit my face, cold and wet. It was snowing? Oh no....

The storm made its way here... that's the farthest a blizzard from Snowdin ever made it to Waterfall. This is bad... I shouldn't be here...

I quickly put on my jacket. Snow whipped onto my face, merely the wind made me shiver, now the only thing I could see was white. I walked against the storm.

I have to get out of here, it's not safe.

I propped up my hoodie. The snow fall was getting faster. Every time it hit my face I could feel it.

man would I love to get home.. it.... it's all Papyrus' fault., isn't it? Everything he did to me... made all this happen...I wonder if he even cares anymore? maybe wondering where I am?

My thoughts became silent. I had to be focused, my life was on the line. I was freezing cold, and wounded.

There's not time to think about that piece of shit..... ..But hell ... I can't even tell where I am , or where I'm going... all I see is white....

I was struggling to keep my pace and my hoodie on to protect me. A thought popped into my head "teleport". I had to think about this... it's a risky plan... I can't see... or know where I am... what If I try it and land in a dangerous place? like Hotland lava, or even worse Papyrus...

Do I really have a choice?

( Phew that was a lot of writing ^_^)

I'll die smiling..... Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin