Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

With a gracious flick of her wrist, Minty's turquoise hair flies over her slender tanned shoulder. She struts down the street with a bounce in her step. When she gets to the end, she turns her head and smiles. Her pearly white teeth gleam in the rays of the afternoon sun.

"Are you coming?" she calls.

"Sure." I race over and loop my arm through hers.

We walk around the corner and to the venue. It's been a couple of days since we've had the chance to stretch our legs.

The last couple of nights have been exhausting. Quick stops, late nights, and well, a plague of sadness I haven't been able to shake.

Being positive is great until you can't be. I almost hate everything around me. It's easy to hate Minty for how perfect and carefree she is, but at the same time, I love how carefree and bubbly she is. She's mint fresh air.

"We're going to have a great night, okay?" Minty squeezes my arm.

"Don't we always?" I laugh.

"You know." Her bubbly attitude falls serious. "I hear you crying."

Well, shit, that's embarrassing. I thought I was really quiet when I cried myself to sleep. I guess I wasn't that secretive about my feelings.

I'm doing my best, but I feel completely wrecked inside. Why couldn't Kol ask me to cuddle him constantly, all the time, and for the rest of his life? That would be an acceptable demand to make. One I'd also be happy to carry out.

"I -" I huff.

"Don't worry about it because I have the perfect thing for you."

"What is that?"

"Like I've always said, the best way to get over a man, is to get under another." She cheekily winks.

"I just, hm." I pout. "I don't think that's me."

Minty shrugs her shoulders and grins. "Then we're going to get so smashed we have to be carried to the bus."

A shiver runs down my spine. I'd only do that with Annalise or I'd do that at my house. I don't want some random taking advantage of me. Instead of offending Minty's attempts at cheering me up, I smile and nod my head.

"Sounds super awesome."

"And don't think about running away either." Minty looks away and laughs. "Besides, you can't run after the set. There's going to be security and everything." Minty squeezes my arm with excitement as she jumps up and down.

"What does Svana think is going to happen?"

"I hope someone storms onto the stage - hopefully sexy."

"You're not worried about people trying to crush you?"

"Nope." She shakes her head. "You know you've made it when people risk being hauled away by security."

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