A gunshot

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*Scott's POV*

Did I just agree to be friend with one of the worst persons I know? Or maybe he is not that bad. He's just hiding his feelings.

And beeing a ultra secret friend makes me feel a bit weird. I was never hidding a friendship from people.

"It's pretty late" I said after we had a normal conversation about our little secret

"Yeah, I shuld probably get back inside. My uncle is sleeping already. Or, let me correct myself, he is dead drunk." Mitch said

"My mum is sleeping too" I hopped that she actually is. I don't want to talk about this with anyone

Then we both got of the bench. We slowly started to walk to our houses.

"Mitch?" I turned around

"Yeah?" he turned too

I walked straight to him and I hugged him. Then I turned around and left before seeing his reaction. I hope it was not too bad.

I was lucky cuz my mum was sleeping, so I got straight to bed.

This was a tough night.

Next morning

*Mitch's POV*

I woke up at 5am. I didn't actually sleep at all. I was thinking all night.

About yesterday. About Scott. About what happened.

And I will never be able to sleep in the same house with my uncle anymore.

That was weird even for me. I usually sleep very well.

After I got dressed I started aplaying makeup. I needed about 2 hours to cover up all the bruises.

Then I texted my friend John. He drives me to school almost every day.

Mitch: I'm ready for 5

John: I'll be there for 10

He replied very fast. Tippical. He never gets of his phone.

Mitch: See ya

John: Yeah

I just hope he is not going to notice that anything is wrong.

After 5 minutes I got out of the house. I usually wait for him outside or he gets mad. He is so inpatient.

I saw Kirstie knocking os Scott's door. They are obviously going to school together. By walk.

I am just too lazy. Even though it's not that far away

I was not ready to see Scott again. I still don't know what to think about that hug yesterday.

"Oh, hi Mitch" Kirstie noticed me

"Hey" I said back

"So? How was it?" Wait what?

"How was what?" I asked a bit confused

"Well, your rehearsal yesterday?"she said like it was so obvious

"Oh that" I said quickly "How do you think?" I asked sarcastically

"You are not dead, but Scott is not answering the door. You did not....." I was laughing

"Mitch! You can't just kill people like that" we were both laughing

"Stopp knocking I'm coming" Scott shouted as Kirstie realized that she is still knocking

"Finally" she smiled

"Sorry, do you know how to use your phone Kirst?" Scott asked after opening the door

"Yeah, why?" she was confused

" You needed to tell him when you're coming, like text or something" I just randomly said

"Thanks for making me that clear" she gave me a wink

"Always" I said looking at Scott. I gave him a little smile. This time it was the honest one.

He smiled back after I heard the sound of my ride

"You coming?" John shouted

" Of course I do" I said a bit angrily. Like I usually do. I can't make all of his wishes come true

That day was long and boring. Walking from classrom to classroom. Pretending that I am listening. Talking to friends...

Then John offered to drive me home. I said yes. Still too lazy to walk

I got home and I took a long shower. It was nice knowing that my uncle is at work.

I realized that I was so tired. I was about to fall asleep when my phone vibrated.

It was a text

Scott: at my place for 15

Mitch: I'll be there

I completely forgot that we still need to do rehearsals today. I took my phone and I got out of the house.

I knocked on his door. He opened.
"I said for 15 minutes" he said laughing

"I was bored" now I was laughing

"So...are you going to come in?" he asked

"No like, I'm not" I said sarcastically

"If you ask me, you can stay outside for 15 more minutes" he was about to close the door

"That was the deal was it?" I pushed the door and walked inside

We went upstairs to his room.

"Where is your mum?" I asked

"She is at work till 9pm. I think that is a perfect time for you to leave. We don't want more trouble" good that he pointed that out

" I agree. Anyways what was that hug yesterday?" I just needed to know

He looked at me "Why are you asking?"

"No one ever hugged me before. At least not like that." I kind of oppend a bit of my heart

"I just felt like it was propriet to do that after all the things you've been trough" he said. I felt awkward

"Okay......what song should we sing" I said changing the topic

"Let's just sing all of them, then we will see in witch one we sound good" he said

I agreed. Then we were singing for about 2 and a half hours. We decided that we like Rise by Katy Perry the most.

It was 9pm when I said that I shuld go home.

"I will go trough back door just in case that your mum walks by" I said

I was about to go out when I heard some noises. A loud ones.

A gunshot.

We both ran to the front door. Scott's mum was laying down covered in blood. Someone shooted her.

"Oh my God mum!!" Scott shouted as he tried to help her
"Mitch call someone!"

I called 911 and the ambulance came in 5 minutes.

They took her in the hospital. Scott went with her.

I know who did this.
And he is going to pay for it.

Police came after about an hour.

" Hello young man. You are the one who called us didn't you?" officer asked

"I know who did it"  I said

"Who?" officer looked at me

"My uncle." I was shocked by my own words.

But I know that they are true.

A/N: Another chapter is done. I hope you like this story. I lov ya all ;)

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