Secret Love?

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2 months later

* Scott's POV *

In last couple of weeks me and Mitch got super close. Now we are definitely best friends.

And I am so proud of our acting skils. We are successfully hiding our friendship from everyone.

Well almost everyone. My mum found out. She is, surprisingly, ok with it. She thinks Mitch is not that bad. She likes that we are friends.

We try to spend every second possible together.

We write homework together, we usualy eat together, we do everithing we can do without going in public.

Today is saturday. That means we are probably going to spend entire day together.

All that sounds amzing, but there is a little problem. I'm hidding something from him.

I think I love him. Like, for real.

And he is not even gay. At least he didn't tell me. Maybe I should ask him.

I was at his place at 9am. As usual.

"Mitch!" I shouted as I entered the house. We don't knock at each others door. We just get in. That makes it easier.

"Right on time, I made pancakes." he said pulling my hand to the kitchen.

"You cooked something. Wow. That is new." I was surprised

He winked at me "Everything for you Hoying"

How can you not like this guy?

Then we sat down and started eating.

"Mitch, can I ask you something?" I finnaly asked

He looked concired "Oh God. Is it that bad? I tried to make them as good as possible......"

"It's not the pancakes." I smiled

"Okay. What is then?" he smiled back

I started "At the beginning of our Secret Friendship we said that we are going to be honest with each other. Now I am going to ask you a question and you will answer me as honest as possible. And you can't say I don't know."

"Okay. You are scaring me Scott. What is that important."

"Are you gay?" I asked

He obviously didn't expect that "Wait, what? How can you ask...."

"Answer Mitch. I am begging you. For once, can you just answer it?" I wanted him to answer

"Yes. Yes ,Scott I am gay" he said

"Well you finally admitted it to yourself." I knew he will do it someday

"I did. And it feels so right to say that." he was happy

"Now I need to tell you something" I jumped on it very quickly

"You are leaving me cuz I am gay aren't you?" he was looking straight in me

"Oh, no! I am not. Why would I? I am gay too remember?" I said

He was alredy inpatient"Then what is it?"

"I think I.....well....kind of......"I studdered

"Say it already." he shouted

I took a huge breath "Mitch, I love you!"

It was silence. He was in shock. He was just looking at me. No words

Did I just ruin our friendship?

"Oh please say something" I said

"That is great Scott, amazing." he said very quietly

"What?" I just told him I love him and he said that is amazing. Was he sarcastic?

"I...I need air" he said running to the backyard

"Mitch, wait. Where are you going?" I followed him

I grabbed his hand "You can't just run away."

"I am not running away!" he said

"Did you hear me? I said that I love you and you said that is great. What a hell do you think I am supposed to do now" I was so angry

He pulled me closer. "Damn it Scott" he said and then he kissed me.

He kissed me.

And I kissed back.

It was so perfect. I just can't believe that actually happend.

"I am so in love with you Scott Hoying" he whispered and he went back in his house, leaving me alone in the backyard with my thoughts.

What is this Secret Friendship turning into.

Secret Love?

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