Was it worth it?

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* Scott's POV *

I was looking at her. She was laying in the hospital bed.

Doctors said that she is going to be ok. She needed to go on two surgeries, but they will realise her on home care for a couple of days.

What did she do to deserve this?

Who did this?

"You better turn on the TV, you are on the news" nurse said to my mum turning on the room TV

"Did they said who did it?" I wanted to know the truth

It was looking like my mum wanted the same

"Let's find out." she said

" Tonigh there was a gun shot at local neighborhood. A middle age women was attacked by Carl Grassi. He is now in prison, waiting for his judgment." the reporter said

I think I got a heart attack.

"Scott honey" mum asked "was Mitch at our house today?"

"Yes. We needed to practise." I said almost crying

She looked at me "How didn't Mitch know what is going to happen if Carl finds out?"

"I.....I....don't know...I am so sorry mum" now I am one second apart from crying

"It's not your fault" she tried to calm me

"It is! I made him come. I thought that we can do this project with no trouble!" I stopped my tears by shouting

"Maybe he didn't know....." she started

"Maybe this was his plan" I interrupted her

Maybe it was. Maybe he was the one who planned this.

Latter that day

My mother said that I need to go home to pick up some clothes for her.

As I came home Mitch ran out of his house

"Finally. What happend? Is she ok?" he asked.

"Oh, leave me alone Mitch!" I couldn't look into his eyes

He was so confused "Scott, what happened?"

"What happened!? Was this your idea!? Is that a part of your plan to destroy me!? Was all of this a game!? " I was so angry

"I didn't know he is going to do this. I....." he looked scared

"Why would I trust you? Give me one reason why I shouldn't think that you are a part of this. One reason." I own him a punch

"I thought you trust me. Why would I do anything to your mum?" his eyes were full of tears

"I don't want to talk to you anymore. Ever!" I pushed him away

But he didn't give up"No, Scott! Wait!"

"Mitch, go away" I just wanted to punch him

"Just let me explane" he was beging

"You've said enough" I tried to walk away

But he grabbed my hand "Scott!!"

"I will call police" I said

"You need to listen, just for a minute" Now I can see his tears slowly falling

"You have 30 seconds" I ment what I said

"I didn't know. I swear. What I said that day was true. I will never hurt you ever again, specially your mum. I never did and I never will" he again looked like he is having a kind of panic attack

"True, this is a kind of my fault. He did this because he didn't want me to get closer to you. And your mum was in the wrong place at the wrong time" is he so good at acting

"How do you think I can believe you? You are same as your uncle. Before 3 days you were able to kill someone and now you want me to believe that you've changed. Maybe your parents deserved to die. Maybe they were same as you are now." I didn't realize what I was saying.

He broke. Completely.

"Wait, I didn't mean to say that..." it was too late to apologize. He ran to his house.

What did I do?

Was it worth it?

A/N: Wow! I love all of you so much ;)

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