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3 months later

*Scott's POV*

It was 3 months since I spoke to Mitch. I don't know what happend.

I tryed to call him a thousands times but he never answered. Something happend and I don't know what.

But he is obviously mad at me. I don't know the reason why.

Since Mitch left I tried to find new friends. Thanks to David I found some.

Yes, I know that he and Mitch are not friends anymore, but I find him very interesting.

And we have a lot in common. We both like music and we are in same math class.

This is a season of projects so we do them together pretty often. He introduced me to Mitch's old group and I kind of fitted in. But I needed to do one thing.

I needed to tell them that I am not gay anymore. They are pretty stupid so they believed me.

I feel like I am working behind my own back.

My mum doesn't like it. She hates it, because she think I will become them if I am hanging out with them. She thinks I betrayed Mitch.

But Mitch is in New York. Maybe he is betraying me right now.

Today I have a big math project to work on with David, so we decided that the smartest thing to do is going at my place righ after school.

As we walked in my street I felt that something is wrong.

There was a car in front of  Mitch's house.

The same car who drove him away. Jane's car.

What is going on?

I ran as fast as I could.

"Well, well, look who showed up." Jane said walking out of the house

"Hi Mrs. Grassi" I said

"You look grait compare to Mitch" she said walking to me "You should see what your little phone call made him go trough"

"What phone call?" David asked. I totally forgo he was with me

But yeah, what phone call? What heppend to Mitch? Where is he?

"You should know that the best. Just, don't even think about trying to talk to him Scott, he just doesn't want to see you" she said

"Why? What happend? Is something wrong with him?" I asked. I was so confused.

"Of course it is. But don't worry, it can be worse." she gave me a look full of anger and than she left.

"What was that?" David asked laughing

How can this be funny to him?

"Let me tell you what was that." someone said

His voice changed so much. But I still recognized it.

"Mitch......." I whispered when I saw him

He was so....white. His skin almost had no colour. It was just, white. His eyes looked tired and he looked way skinnier than I remember.

"Hello Scott" he said

What happend to him. Aren't surguried suppose to make him better. Not worse.

"Scott we need to go" David said but I ignored him. I just couldn't move my eyes of him.

"Surprised to see me? You thought that I was gone. Forever? Forever, Scott?" Mitch said making word forever sound very sarcastic

"What do you mean by that?" I finally said

"So, I can see, you have new company. It's wierd to see you with David. You make a good couple though." he sounded mean

"A couple?" I was so confused.

Who even told Mitch about my new friends? And why did he called us a couple? We are not!

"I need to go. You better have fun." Mitch said pretending that he is happy. But he was not.

He was emotionless.

He left in the house. I standed speechless. I didn't even realize how much I missed him.

I just wanted to be close to him again.

But why does he hate me now?

Is it because of David?

A/N: I love every single one of you :)

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