Chapter 6; My holiday

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It was finally December!! Half of my family are going to Hongkong then Singapore! While Zayn dosen't go anywhere sad haha. I was packing my stuff when i got a text message from him saying;
"I'm gonna miss you so much babe, have fun there :( wish I could kiss you ;)" I kinda blushed seeing that text. I texted back; "awwh, gonna miss you too baby xo hah but you can't 😘 xx" After all of out good night texts i fell asleep.


My alarm clock goes off and i hit the snooze button and put my head under my pillow. After 5 minutes my mom came in and shouted; "GET UP THE HEATER IS ON WHOEVER IS THE LAST ONE HAS NO HOT WATER." That's when i took my towel and ran into the bathroom before my little sister does. I was already changed into my light grey sweater that says 'you are something beautiful' and my black jeggings, I grabbed my blue vans and went down. Wore mu black hijab and wore my black shades. He always wanted me to send him my selfies and today he wanted 15 the usual was 10 (what a cutie). So i took exactly 15 selfies and sent it to him.


We were all in the airport. (My grandparents, some of my cousins, My mum, My anut and her boyfriend) We had breakfast at the airport and when we were done we all said our goodbyes and went in. I was checking my phone, if he texted but he was still asleep. So I texted him saying; "Goodmorning sleepyhead! I'm in the plane already i sent you the selfies you wanted ( all ugly ) heheh, well hope your smiling bcs it took my around 15 minutes to take them!! I will text you once i landed in Hongkong, other than that have a great day baby! ykno i will always think about you and i love you always!! xo miss you!! 😘❤️ x" I pressed send and used my earphones and started listening to 'Sorry- Justin Bieber'. It's been 2 hours and i got really bored to i started looking through my photos, I smiled like an idiot in the plane. I was sitting next to my 2 best cousins ever! As usual i got the window seat. Few minutes has passed I started talking with my cousins, talking about our boyfriends, school and all other stuffs. It was lunch time and the stewardess came with the food cart, We had fried rice with chicken, and the rest of the journey i fell asleep.

I woke up, and realize that my mom was shaking me and saying that we already landed. I looked outside and it was dark, I looked at my watch seeing it was 12:45AM! "woah" I said. "Wassup?" My cousin said. "Look at the time man" I laughed. Her eyes were big and she said; "Hey its our normal bedtime hahaha" We both laughed.

Once we reached our hotel it was already 1-2AM. I was in a room with my grandma and my cousin Nicky. We got some food because we were hella hungry and we ate them. It was 3AM already and we weren't even tired. Oh yeah I forgot i texted Zayn, when i landed in the airport. Thank god this hotel the wifi is fast! Nicky went outside because her boyfriend wanted to Skype, Zayn texted me saying that I should sleep, but i said I can't. So thats when he called, I grabbed my earphones and put it on.

Me; I cant really talk much *whispering*
Him; Why?
Me; My grandma is sleeping, haha
Him; Ah okay babe, It's okay
Me; So what did you do today?
Him; Nothing much i got really bored and I'm missing you so bad
Me; Awwh, I miss you too bb

We talked and talked all random stuff, We hung up because he was getting tired i was lying on my bed with Nicky and she was still asleep. Zayn went offline and i was still wide awake, It was almost 4AM. I texted Zayn saying how much i love him and i would die if he left me, basically an emotional night text thing hahah. Few minutes i fell asleep..

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