Chapter 7; JP

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I got back from my vacation on the 13th December, Our monthsary was on the 16th same as my cousin Nik.. So we decided to go to JP (Jerudong Park). I texted him and he said he can but not really sure yet, His mother has a restaurant there, sometimes he goes there because of the restaurant. I was quite happy though that he said yes.

On the 16th* (sorry had to skipped it was quite boring days xo)

Today was finally the day!! So basically the ones who came was; Nik, Zizie (Niks boyfriend, also my best friend), Ziqah and Me. We all met near the fountain thing and sat down, then Zizie started laughing. "What?" I questioned him. "I invited your ex boyfriend" He said while covering his mouth. "YOU WHAT?! WHICH ONE?" I shouted. "Hami" He said. Then i just played cool because i had a boyfriend already. pfft.

Few minutes later he came and also Zizie's cousin came. I also texted Zayn saying that my ex was going to be here. He got quite pissed, I just played it off. We all had partners expect for Zizie's cousin. I was with Ziqah, Zizie and Nik, Hami with his girlfriend and her maid(?). pfft.

I was upset because he said he was going to be abit late, but I understand he lived quite far. We didn't really ride a lot of rides because it was raining. My sweater was wet, and guess what i was using my new adidas shoes :').

After playing in the rain, We all got hungry. Si we went to the food court at the back. We ordered cherros(?){don't know how to spell sorry xo} and some drinks. It was still early though, We talked and ate. While we were walking back to the park my mom came, Zizie was walking with us and his cousin. I quickly said; "Zizie run!!". After that he ran to the left with his cousin. I went in the car then my mom said; "We are eating here for a while, waiting for your mom Nik". So we went off the car. Again I ordered real food. BBQ chickens. While i was ordering my phone buzzed I checked it and it was a text from; 'Mi baby ❤️' basiclly Zayn;
Zayn; I'm at the back, with zizie where are you babe?
Me; Omg seriously? wait!
(End of convo)

I told Ziqah to go and check for me, tbh she got excited too 😂, I went to my mom and said; "Got to go to the toilet, got a tummy ache. be right back". And that I grabbed Ziqah's hand and ran to the toilet.

I was at the back already until i saw Zizie, He looked at me weirdly. Then i saw Zayn!! I hugged him so tight! Until Zizie spoke; "What? Since when Qibah?". I just laughed, He was still quite surprised. We spent time talking and other stuffs. Then Ziqah came and said; "Qib your mom is calling you, you better hurry". Then it hit me I just remembered that my mom was here. Then we took some selfies and a photo asking Ziqah to take it (love her to bits!! xox). We said our final goodbye and went our separate ways. My food came and I started eating it. Tbh don't know what happened to Hami. heh!

[ Hello there beautiful people! Again I would like to say thank you for the people who had been reading this story of mine, I know it sounds weird that i use Zayn's name. I'm just afraid that he will find out and kill me. I've been okay though.. Ykno tryna move on and shit, it's tough. Will continue the story soon! Gotta go, Love you all xox ]

Instagram; waaafiiqah // queenqibs
Twitter; qibaaaaah


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