Chapter 10; The break up

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Me and Nik had the exact same monthsary, then we decided to go on a 'double date'. I told Zayn a week early. But he still have the same excuse! It was just pissing me off, seriously.

•On 29thb April 2016•

I was getting ready to go watch a movie with my two best friends, Zizie and Nik. I went there really early so i had to walk up down right left. Then when i was walking Zizie texted saying he was already in the mall, I waited for him near the book store. While i was waiting I texted Zayn;

Me; So are you coming I'm already here..
Zayn; I'm sorry babe but I'm going to JP with my cousin i just remembered
Me; You always go there..
Zayn; I'm sorry x
Me; If you don't want to go out with just say it! Or if you're embarrassed of me just tell me, probs won't go out with you ever again!!

I shut off my phone, I was seriously mad/annoyed that he always had the same reason. It's like whenever i want to go out he has to go out with his cousins. I was legit pissed..

Few hours has flew, turns out I was the only one who's going to watch the movie, because there was no more seats.

I was inside the movie theater alone, and on my left one row of boys, behind me boys, in front of me BOYS. I was surrounded by boys. anxiety, hahaha. So the movie finished around 1 and a half hours. I went out the movie theater and texted my friends. I found them and they were hungry so was i. We went to jollibee again! I ordered my food and sit at a table, then my friends came over.
When we were finished with our food my two best friends apparently needed to go. So basically i was alone! fuck. I kept on texting and calling Nik, but she didn't pick up or reply!! Same goes with Zizie!! URGH! It was the worst day of my fricking life!

Turns out they were having a moment at the fricking stairs which was very very hot! I was there like bodyguard. Whoopie.

Then it was home time, Nik is following me because we were going to the hospital because of Nik's grandma.

-Skip the hospital-

So dinner was at our favorite place JP! I don't i just love it there brings back alot of memories. Oh yeah, I did text Zayn while i was in the movie theater I said;

Me; Look I'm sorry for those words, It's just that whenever I wanted to go out with you, you have the same reasons. I'm really sorry. I love you ❤️
Zayn; 👌🏻

(Fyi I FUCKING HATE THAT EMOJI! And he knows it!! 😒)

I didn't reply back because i was giving him some space. Kinda stupid tho.. But whatever.

I was finish eating and i was watching the kids play at the playground when i got a text from him, I was quite happy and scared tbh;

Zayn; Maybe we should just stop this..
Me; Stop what?
Zayn; This, Us..
(That right there just broke my heart into a million pieces)
Me; What why? Look i told you I'm sorry..
Zayn; What's the point of being together when we will always fight everyday

And that right there that moment I threw my phone to the ground and started crying and walked away.. Nik and Ziqah was there.. So they texted him saying things I forgot what. They tried and keep my relationship but it was useless. I took my phone and said;

Zayn; Fine, Whatever i was wrong..
Me; Ykno, what? Whatever you win.. Whatever you do i hope you're happy, Good luck with all the exams that are coming up.. Hope you find another girl which is better than me! But whatever you do or say, i will still love no matter what, I don't know why.. but i just do.. I will remember all the words and promises you said which btw you broke them.. I'll forgive you when ever. I'm sorry for being a shitty girlfriend that you ever had I know I'm not pretty like all of your ex girlfriends and I know im not perfect but nobody is perfect. I would just like to say Thank you for being there whenever I needed you, Thank you for making my 4-5 months happy. You found me in the dark. I was all alone until you came and turn my world into a happier place.. So thank you once again! I love you x ❤️

After that text I turned my phone into airplane mode and put my earphones on played my favorite sad song. Didn't sleep all night, Just crying it out. I just kept my phone on airplane mode. That's all i did cry.. :')

[Hey guys, i hate doing this chapter but it was for you guys! Even though I cried while doing but yeah.. Have fun reading!! Love y'all!! xo]

How I Met Him ❤️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz