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Chapter 14

Wow guys honestly that's a huge chapter I did it's very sad haha but anyways...

I think I'm gonna start a new book, tell me if you would like that

And I'm gonna make a sequel to Never so yea should I go to 50 chapters or 100?

Leave your suggestions in the comments okie byeeee ILY💕






Harry's P.O.V

I walked into My house I couldn't Believe she was raped, she lost her virginity how can live up to our love when I know she is hurt inside and out.

I put my phone on the counter and

Searched through the fridge for food,I was starving.

I made a quick sandwich and was about to go upstairs when my phone buzzed,

SUTTON:hey I'm home safe! And I'm gonna have a nap xoxo

I'm glad she told me so I know she is

ME:ok! Love have a good sleep xx

I walked upstairs and sat on my bed.

My eyes started to get heavier and heavier and then I fell asleep.



I groaned as I picked up my phone

"Hello!" I said

"DANM your sexy when your sleepy!" Carly said

"Carly I don't want to this right now ok!" I said

" strings attached remeber!" She said

"Ok.heres the thing your a Total slut and...I HATE YOU! Goodbye!" I said hanging up the phone.

I vow to never do what I did with Carly ever unless it's with Sutton because I love her!.


Sutton's P.O.V


Every step I took my body ached,

I had cuts everywhere I think I took about 3 showers to get the disgust of that horrid man, and his filthy hand prints off my body.

I sighed

I opened my closet and picked out my cat sweater top

And my black leggings.

It was pretty cold out and rainy, but also I need to cover up my wrecked body

I put a lot of concealer on. And mascara I wanted to look like I walked out of a FUCKING pixie!

Not hell.

I put my hair up into a high ponytail and walked outside I hoped into my dads truck, since mine is completely dead.

As I walked into the school people stared at me and whispered

Welcome back Sutton! I mentally said

I opened my locker and the word slut was written all over the inside.

"THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!" I said sarcastically, I don't mind the notes or the marker on my locker it doesn't bother me

I grabbed my books and walked to class.

"Sutton!" I heard Harry call

I turned around as he kissed my forehead

"How are you?" He asked

"Eh. Could be better!" I said

"Oh...want to go somewhere later?" He asked

"Umm sure where?" I asked

"It's a suprise!" He chuckled and walked to class.





Sorry it's short but whatever.

How's everybody's Friday?

I have some questions for you guys so read further!😋


1. How do y'all like my book so far






2. How do you like Sutton

3. Who is your favourite character

And who is your least?

4. Should I change anything?

5. Should I make a sequel?


Ok please comment your answers

It would be greatly appreciated



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