The end

119 8 4

Chapter 43


OMG it's the end I'm so sad to end it but it won't go anywhere after this soooooo why not make a second book, yea? Well that's what I'm doing tonight I'm making the prologue of my sequel "Forever" eeeeekkkk this will be waaaaayyyyy better

But thank you all for reading,voting,commenting it means the world to know 1,700 something people read my story

Thank you all I love you guys!!


Sutton's P.O.V


The sun set as me and Harry sat on the damp sand, our bodies dripping from swimming in the deep blue ocean.

Harry looked at me and smiled

"Come here" he demanded as I obliged. I nuzzled my head on his warm chest as I could hear is heart beat slowly "thump thump" it went.To me that is the sound of amazement and life.

"I love you" he whispered as I laughed "I love you" I said as the sun finally set.

"Want to go night swimming?" He asked "huh?" I said curious to see what he meant. Harry ripped his shirt off and grabbed me bridal style, he ran through the water and plunged our bodies under the

Warm water.

"AHHH" I screamed as we reached the surface, he laughed like a maniac as my hair fanned out on the water.

"I'll miss this" he murmured as he floated on his back, his tattoos glistened in the moonlight from the water.

"What do you mean 'I'll miss this'?" I asked he sighed and floated upright "I'm moving to London for the summer" he said as I gasped "w-what?" I said in shock as I tried to process things.

"My mum and sister are alive, Mike is in jail, there back in London and asked for me to stay a while....I couldn't say no!" He said I groaned "whole sumerrrr" I whined he nodded "but we can call,text,Skype?" He said "but I want to talk to you in person, not over a device!" I protested "it's not like I'm leaving forever!" He said.

I rolled my eyes "You don't understand how this makes ME feel!" I said "I do...Sutton I know this is hard bu-" "Your being so self centred! You only care how you'll feel not me!!" I argued as I stomped on the mushy sand.

"Harry don't leave me" I begged

He threw his head back and then looked at me "I'm not leaving...I will never leave you Sutton" he said before kissing me.




Harry's P.O.V


She looked so cute angry it made me smile on the inside, even though I'm leaving It doesn't mean I'm gone forever! She ran her fingers through her damp hair and groaned, her fingers were stuck in her tangled salty hair as she pulled violently.

"Here" I said as I moved closer to her, I grabbed her hair and untangled her small fingers from her silky brown hair. She laughed as we laid down on the sand "you know I'll always be pissed at you" she sighed " why?" I asked she slapped me.

"Because ass hole your leaving me" she huffed and turned so her back could face me, I pulled her close and wrapped my arm around her protectively and started to fall asleep.

But something kept creeping into my mind... It was the fact that I may not see Sutton again considering what is going on back home.

I really hope Amber didn't do anything stupid this time.




Sutton's P.O.V


I woke up to my old blue walls,and my old squeaky bed, I know I'll miss this place All of my stuff is removed now, sure I have some clothes in my closet for the summer, and bathing suits but besides that it's...empty.

My phone started to buzz as I picked it up.

Diana: Hey I'm having a pool party later wanna come?

Me: umm sure <3

I ran to my closet and picked out my neon blue bathing suit and some shorts, and a crop top and put them on.




{ pool party }

Me and Hayley walked in to Diana's backyard and there were people everywhere, a guy handed us a green liquid and laughed.

I rolled my eyes and chucked it in the dirt and kept walking. I'm not a fan of drinking anymore considering how Harry acts when he has too much... Hayley walked over to Diana and a dark haired boy, and a blue haired girl.

"SUTTON!!" Diana hollered as she motioned me over, as I approached them as the dark haired guy turned around to face me.

His blue eyes sparkled and I couldn't help but smile as he smiled as well.

"This is Gabby and Jake" Diana said as the blue haired girl groaned and took several gulps of her drink, she chucked her solo cup on the ground and dragged a random guy it the dance floor.

Hmmm a lot of attitude...

{ Night }

I splashed Jake in the face as people squirted water from those crappy nerf guns.

Jake swam closer to me as I mimicked his action, our bodies so close I could smell the alcohol that he consumed. Our bodies touched and I felt electricity and that's all it took until our lips connected, and my world spun around.

After I was dried off I regretted everything, Jake, the party, college.

Until my phone interrupted my thoughts, it was a text from Harry.


the image popped up as I gasped

A blond hair girl straddled herself on Harry as they kissed!!!

At the bottom said

-Amber and Harry forever.






There is my last chapter it's really long so

Forever will be published tomorrow so don't go anywhere

Thank you so much for reading my story

I love you all thank you my 1.9 K babes


Never// h.sحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن