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Chapter 36


Sutton's P.O.V

I woke up to a nurse switching the bags of my life! Well the stuff to keep me from dying.....I don't want a doctor so whatever. She smiled at me and placed a tray full of yummy food, pancakes, fruit, milk!

"Thank you" I gushed she smiled and nodded...."any time sweetheart" she said with a thick western accent; she was wearing a light blue scrubs and her hair was bright red. As I was eating I saw a man staring at me from the other side of the glass doors.

"Ummm who is he?" I asked the nurse, as I pointed at him rather rudely, she looked up from giving me my shot and cocked her head to the side. "Sorry I don't know who he is" she said confusion was plastered on her face "well he's making me feel rather uncomfortable" I said as he shook his head and left.

I could feel myself shiver as I grabbed my phone and called.....Harry. He answered at the second Ring, "hello?" He asked through the speaker "errr...hi Harry" I said nervously; "sutton!!!!" He said relief was heard through his voice.

"Yeaaaa it's me.....I'm getting out of the hospital tomorrow and I need a ride" I said "oh yes sure" he said happily "ok cya later I guess" I said nervously as I ended the call and sighed in Relief as I drifted asleep.


"She'll be fine I promise, she'll get home safely" I heard a voice say
"Okkk" a female voice said
As I felt my body being lifted by strong arms I moved my body closer towards his arm in relaxation.

"Ok Sutton hope your comfortable" Harry mumbled before driving off.
We bumps and other rough things as I groaned in pain, Harry touched me soothingly "shhhh it's" he whispered the last part thinking I can't hear.

"I'm not ok Harry....I-I'll never" I said as the sleeping pills finally kicked in. I think I'm dreaming; or looking out in space or shit, I felt my body start to rise and a sinister face appeared above me as he laughed
I think I knew him, he seemed evil and horrible....till the memory flooded back. This man raped me, he was the one who watched me in the hospital......his name was m-Mark????



Harry's P.O.V

I could hear Sutton's loud cries for help as I ran upstairs, her petite body was covered with beads of sweat as she cried. She tossed and turned, her eyes were still closed...
"Shhhhhh.......sutton your fine" I whispered as I ran my fingers through her velvety soft hair. She jerked when her eyes opened, she scurried out of my arms in shock.

"W-what happened where am I?" She panicked "Sutton you had a bad dream....but your fine now" I said soothingly. She sighed before climbing back in my arms "why did you do it?" She asked lifting up her top to show her stitches. "To protect them.....but now your all I have I'm sorry" I said as I kissed her forehead
"I forgive you.....only because I can't live without you" she laughed
I smiled "I can't live without you either" I said she looked up at me
Her brown eyes as they reflected the sim light from the window. "I love you" she said kissing me lightly "and I love you too" I said.


"Only a week" she laughed
As I groaned "but it's hard to wait that looonnnggg" I whined we weren't aloud to have sex until her stitches were out, that's next week you know how long that is???
She laughed before kissing me on the cheek "I need to go to the doctors for a check up!" She said
"What check up?" I asked
"A check up" she said nervously

"Ugh I'm just getting stuff checked, do you need to be sooooo nosey?" She asked as she grabbed her black leather purse. "No. I just need to know my girl is good" I said
"Ohhhh, so I'm your girl now?" She asked cheekily "well what else do you want me to call you? Bitch?" I asked jokingly "bye Harry" she laughed before the door slammed behind her.


"Wow took you that long to say good bye?" Louis asked as a towel was wrapped around his torso. "Shut up" I said he laughed, "you know me and El are going out to a bar tonight and we need some company, wanna come?" He asked "Mkay.....but I won't be there too long because of Sutton" I said he smiled "ok were leavig at 8" he said before going back outside with his beer.

**BUZZ*** **BUZZ**

I groaned as I picked my phone up, the collar idea said "Mark" as I picked up "what the fuck do you want?" I asked "wow what nice words to say to your legal guardian?" He laughed I gaped
"Pardon me? Legal FUCKING guardian???" I said . I need you now!" He said
"Why the fuck would You need me?" I asked "I have already done so much to please you, and you re-pay me by killing my family?" I spat.

"Well if you don't come, then Sutton does right now...I mean DANM her ass won't stop huh?" He said as u imagined his face as he licked his lips. "Why is she going to the doctors?" He asked I gasped he isn't lying "ok...ok ill come where are you?" I asked he told me where he was, as I grabbed my gun....I told you he will pay.




OMG sorry for not posting :( I was busy with school. But OMG ALMOST TO 1k READS!!!!!!!!
Thank you guys sooo much your amazing <3

Anyways keep voting and reading babes!!!!!!

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