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Chapter 41





OMG so I'm really bored should I do like a question book where you guys ask me questions and I answer them In that book!!



Sutton's P.O.V


Everything was slow and quite as I saw the cops forcefully pull Harry out of the room as he stared at me with sad eyes "I-I....I love you" I said as he was shoved down the stairs.

My heart broke, It felt as if everything I ever knew about Harry was lost and all the love was drained from me.

A police man was blocking the front door as I ran down the stairs, I jumped off the last two stair cases and bolted outside.

"HARRY!" I screamed as I was inches away from the car till they zoomed off.

"Where are they going?" I asked frantically "The Lincoln county prison" he replied with no emotion at all.

"What?!?....why?" I asked he looked at me "First degree murder" he said murder?????

I ran in the house and opened the garage door, I hoped in Harry's car and drove to the prison.




Harry's P.O.V


"Get in!" The man said as he pushed me In a small cell I rolled my eyes this is the second time I have been in jail but now it's permanent Mark knew about Julia and that's how it started her,him the big fat lie growing between us.

I fell on the hard bed and groaned in pain as i started to drift off into a light sleep.

"HEY!" I heard a voice yell and me being shook, I looked up to find Liam in an orange jump suit as well.

"Liam?" I said he rolled his eyes

"Yea it's me" he said sarcastically

"WHAT....are you doing here?" I whispered "I'm here because of Julia" he muttered "why are you here?" He asked cocking his head to the side.

"Julia too........I didn't know he would do this" I said Indicating

To the cell and our ugly smelly clothes.

" court session is in an hour I have nothing to say Harry" Liam said as he ran his fingers through his hair angrily.

"Just tell them you didn't do anything! I know you didn't" I said

He sighed "who said I was innocent" he said

I gasped "d-did you help Mark...kill Julia???" I said

"I couldn't do anything to stop it Harry!!!!!" He argued "how did he do it?" I asked tears forming in my eyes.

"Harry....I-I can't say that" He said

I got up and angrily punched the concrete wall, surprisingly it made a huge dent.

"Liam HOW?!" I boomed he flinched "h-he beat her to death" he said I shook my head.

"Liam Payne your needed for court" said the guard with a bored expression, Liam looked at me with his sad sorry eyes.

It was about 7 minutes since Liam left for court and I couldn't be more bored! I played with the dent I made and just took chunks out for fun.

"Harry styles you have a visitor" said a skinny petite guard.

He shoved me into the visiting room I turned around to find Sutton, her eyes were puffy and red from crying as I hugged her.

"Im so sorry" I whispered in her ear "it's ok" she said

After we gave our heart felt embrace we sat down on the hard metal chairs.

"I'm innocent" I whispered Sutton looked up at me with a small smile "I-I believe you Harry" she said as I held her hand.

"Do you have a court session today?" She asked as I thought.

Do I?

"I'm actually not sure yet,they haven't told me" I said she looked up above my head as a guard grabbed me and dragged me towards the door.

"I love you" Sutton said as the door slammed.



Sutton's P.O.V


After Harry left the room I felt......alone....scared I felt as if my love was locked away in a cell with Harry.

I got up from the metal chair and walked out of the prison in sadness.


"Now,What does the jury think?" Asked the judge as Harry looked at them with pleading eyes, they quietly whispered to one another and nodded.

"We plead guilty,till further evidence" they said

The judge banged the wood with her gavel " trial in 2 weeks" she said.

"Court dismissed" she said before everyone stepped out of the room.

He was framed,I know it.....but by who?



I'm sooo sorry that I haven't posted in forever!!!!

And it's short sorry I couldn't keep you guys waiting!

Anyways hope you guys had a great weekend, I'm on break YAYAYAYAYA

Bye ilya <3


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