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Chapter 39








Sutton's P.O.V


I woke that morning with major cramps, please don't let my period start today it's graduation!!! I got out of my small bed and looked in the mirror it's been 3 days since the abortion. Even though I just knew I miss it actually

That amazing feeling something so tiny yet so big was growing and being nurtured inside you!! That's sounds a little weird.

I turned the tap on and watched as my shower poured out warm water, I stripped my pjs off and hopped in the misty air. My phone was blaring "don't wake me up by Chris brown" I mumbled the lyrics as I washed my hair

"So much light in the city, you won't BELIVE. Been awake for some days now no time to sleep" I yelled

As I danced around before the shampoo went in my eye "fuck" I muttered as I turned the tap off and hopped out ouch.

I dried my hair and straighten it, then I applied my makeup for the day but added more eye liner to give them a wild look. I wore my white lace strapless summer dress under my blue graduation gown. I smiled at my reflection "Ok Sutton you can do this" I said to myself before grabbing my white clutch and phone.

I hopped in my dads truck as my mum came in shortly after "oh Sutton I'm so happy for you" she gushed as I laughed

"I am too" I said happily. My eyes gazed out at the fields of green and the ocean that lay behind. We parked in the parking lot of the school as I got out

I felt eyes on me as I found Harry "HARRY" I yelled as he smiled, I ran towards him as he lifted me up kissing me gently as I blushed.

"I'll be inside" I said to my parents as they nodded, we walked in the gymnasium as blue gowns filled the room I smiled.

This is it sutton last day of being a high schooler , next a real woman.

The principle walked up to the podium and called students names out, and gave them their diploma. After it was over I felt free "We're adults now!" I said jumping up and down with happiness Harry smiled "yea I guess we are. WE'RE FREE" he said throwing his cap in the air as I did the same.

"Hey! Wanna go to the graduation party? Harry asked as I nodded "yes!" I laughed as we hopped in his car.






We arrived at a huge house bigger then the guys house. We walked in and were handed drinks with dark liquid

"Harry" I heard a male voice called Harry smiled as he ran up to him, he had dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes as he smiled at me.

Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me close, they started talking as Harry squeezed my hand soothingly "Adam this is my girlfriend Sutton" he said as Adam looked at me with his bright blue orbes "Hello Sutton" he said shaking my hand. After hours of talking and drinking I was getting kinda bored as he just kept talking and talking and talking to Adam.

Until my favourite song came on

"Figure 8 by ellie goudling" I grabbed Harry and led him to the dance floor of the house. I started to jump up and down in pleasure as the music flooded my ear drums, Harry was looking bored as he looked around the house for Adam. "go" I said "huh?" He asked as he snapped back to reality "Just go find Adam" I said a frown sneaked it's way on my face he hesitated before leaving to find Adam "ass" I mumbled as I danced once again just to forget.

My body hit into a muscular one as it grinded on me, "excuse me!!!" I said rudely until I looked up to find "K-Kyle?" I stuttered he smiled "why hello Sutton" he grabbed my waste and pulled me close shit.





Harry's P.O.V


I laughed at Adam's joke as he handed me the weed I sucked the bitter smoke as we all laughed "Honey, come here!" Adam said as Honey entered the room with her golden stripper costume,she sat on his lap as he whispered in her ear she nodded and walked towards me since I was high I thought she was sutton for a second. She went on my lap and rotated her hips on my groin "oh god" I muttered as she went in fast circles then she moved on to Darrel,then Sam,then Adam.

Since we were in the smoke room it didn't matter what happened we were all high! Soon enough The guys were taking turns fucking Honey I rolled me eyes sure I like the way she pleasured me but she's a whore. After they all fucked her several times Adam spoke "let's get Sutton up here" "Maybe her and honey can take turns with us" that was it I sat up "SUTTON ISNT COMING UP HERE" I growled he put his hands up in surrender "Kyle" he called as Kyle pushed Sutton in the room "What is going on here??" She asked as I sighed "Fuck you Adam" I said as I sat back down "Let's play truth or dare??" Adam asked with a devilish smile.








Kyle huh?

Well there's chapter 38 sorry for not posting in a while I had writers block :(

But thank you guys for 1k reads and thanks mya for the 1k prezzy <3





Never// h.sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora