chapter 9

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-your pov-

I lay awake in bed. emotionless, lonely and scared. mum still hasn't returned home and its already 12:01 am. I sigh. I new I never should have let mum go to 'councling'. shes an achaloic. "what was I thinking" I quietly mumbled.

I want to message fc, or cry to aaron again. I hate my life sometimes. knowing your best friend is in the same country as you, only 1000 miles away. I decide to message fc anyway, even if I don't get a respons. he doesn't reply.

I roll over eager to get some rest.

"goodnight fc..."

{the next day}

i walk to school, sadness controuling my body. sometimes i wish fc was next to me, making me feel better.

i arrive at school to see trish, ivy and jen wating for an argument. i try to avaid them; as they are the schools bullys.

ivy// heyyyyyyy (y/n)

I sighed. I hate these girls.

they girls laughed as the pushed me down.

I walk to form class and see aaron waiting outside.

aar// hey dork

I walked into class, ignoring his comment. pulling out my phone I decide to message fc.

y/n// oi I need to cry but I'm in me. I'm just gonna keep u updated so.....

I hear a text sound. is my phone echoing

fc// ok don't cry. I'm gonna hug my phone and your gonna get a virtual hug ok?!

I laugh at his stupitdy. I do love fc.

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