Chapter 2: A S-CLASS QUEST?!

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Lucy POV

I stared at the Master in awe.

"An S-Class Quest?! Are you serious?!" I asked in shock. Master nodded and pointed to a sheet of paper on his desk. It read: COME AND FIND ME! I'M A RING SO PRECIOUS THAT SOULS CAN BE CAPTURED BY IT! MY NEW MASTER SHALL BE FOUND HIDING UP UP UP IN THE SKY! HE CAN SMILE HE CAN LAUGH, BUTx HE'S AS INHUMAN AS A DRAGON! "So I basically find a piece of jewelry and bring it back to someone? That seems pretty simple."

Master sighed.

"Lucy, I don't think you understand the difficulty of this task. The man in possession of this ring is dangerous and completely inhuman! His heart was taken from him by a dragon!"

But as he said that I had already grabbed the paper and was half way out the door.

"Yeah yeah, see you soon Master!" I yelled. I could hear the Master tripping in his office. Giggling, I head back down the stairs.

Looking around, I found everyone doing their regular routine. Except.... where's Natsu? Turning my head left and right I couldn't see him. He wasn't wrestling with Gray. He wasn't chatting with Gildarts or Erza. So where was he? Hmm, I thought. I turned around quickly and crashed into someone. It was a face all to familiar...

"Laxus..." I whispered. The scared face of the lightning wizard smirked when he saw me.

"Where you going, little princess?" he asked menacingly. he bent down and looked at the job description in my hand. He laughed out loud when he saw it. "An S-Class Quest?! Your joking right?" I glared at him.

"Just cause of whats going on doesn't mean you can judge my work!" I shouted angrily. Laxus chuckled. Grabbing my hair, he pulled down hard.

"What a pathetic little bitch, you'll die on this quest, and if you die, you'll never find out if you'll have a-" Suddenly, someone punched Laxus in the face, making him let go of me. 

I looked to my savior. It was Natsu, he was standing in a super bad ass stance. His fists were flaming and his eyes were down cast, shaded by the salmon colored bangs falling into his face. Laxus glared at Natsu and held up his hand, letting a lightning bolt form. Natsu charged at Laxus and started punching him repeatedly in the chest in face. Laxus countered with a lightning strike in the chest. Natsu flew back and hit his head against the wall. It broke and cracked. A small river of blood ran down the wall from where his head was. I gasped at the sight. Laxus advanced towards him. I watched in horror. I reached for my keys when someone came and kneed Laxus in the head. I sighed in relief as Gray landed behind Laxus, his hands on his bare hips. 

"You shouldn't pick on Flame Brain like that, Laxus," Gray said coolly. Laxus turned and glared at the ice mage. 

"You're gonna pay for this, Gray Fullbuster," Laxus threatened before he left through the front of the guild. I turned and hugged Gray tightly. 

"Thanks so much Gray, I was afraid Laxus was gonna finish off Natsu this time," I said. Gray smirked and put his hand on Lucy's tummy. 

"I was also protecting you," Gray whispered. I blushed. I looked at him confused.

"Hello, bleeding from the head here!" Natsu shouted from the other side of the room. He had removed himself from the wall and was now shuffling over to me and Gray. I gasped and went over to inspect Natsu.

"Hmm, its only a little gash, I can probably stop the bleeding with a towel and some cold water," I stated. Natsu turned his head to me and smirked.

"I'll be fine, as long as you're safe." I blushed again and smiled along with him.


I packed up my stuff and walked out of my apartment door. Locking it behind me, I started down the street to the train station. I smiled as i went. Skipping along the way, I basked in the moon light. Holding the job paper in my hand I giggled.

"I finally have an S-Class Quest!" I whisper/yelled. Going to the train station, I noticed someone in the shadows. 

"Be careful, Lucy," said the person. They left the shadows. It was Erza. She had on her usual armor and blue skirt. Her red hair fell into her face. She smiled at me and had her hands on her hips. "Master told me everything. I'm surprised he decided upon you and not me."

"Maybe it has to do with the fact that Lucy can flirt properly," said someone else. I turned and saw Levy leave the shadows and smile at me. I giggled at the girls.

"Juvia still doesn't understand why Love-Rival was being attacked by the man with blond hair," Juvia joined in standing next to Levy. She crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'll tell you about it later, Juvia," I said. The train whistle could be heard from a far.

"Last train to Dark Valley!" said the conductor. My eyes widened as I looked at the girls. Crap, I thought. Turning, I started running over to the station. Looking back, i waved to my friends.

"BYE GUYS, SEE YOU SOON!" I yelled. They waved back and smiled.

I hopped onto the train right as it left the station, and went on the S-Class Quest I was so excited about. 

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