Chapter 9: Switching Around the House

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Lucy POV

As Laxus and I exited the infirmary, i straddled the two children in my arms. Both were bundled in cloth and oh so young that i doubt they'll be moving much for a day or two. I glanced at Laxus. He seemed lost in thought. His face flushed when he realized i wad watching him. I giggled and smiled at him. He blushed. I raised a brow. What's with all the blushing, i thought. As soon as i stepped out into the open, everyone turned and looked at me. I smiled at them and watched ad Laxus and everyone waited to hear the names. I raised up one.
"This is Shishi!" i yelled. Everyone cheered and raised their hats and glasses to her. I brought her down. I raised up TK. "This is TK!" everyone cheered again. I brought them both down and smiled at my guild. A few of the heavy drinkers (Cana and Elfman) grabbed whole barrels of ale and chugged them down in celebration.
Natsu and Gray came out of the infirmary to see what was happening and found me in the crowd. As they ran towards me, I turned to Laxus, who had gotten himself a mug of ale. Grabbing a napkin and stealing a pen from Levy, I sat beside laxus and started to write a list on the napkin. He chuckled as i scribbled. Groaning, i passed him the napkin and stood.
"Dont forget you are bringing Natsu and Gray. I haveta go get Erza and the other girls so just come to my place when u finish the shopping. Im sure you remember where its at," i explained, giggling and winking at him. Turning away I walked to Erza. "Erza would you please help me move stuff around my apartment so the baby stuff can fit?" i asked. The red haired mage smiled.
"Of course i will Lucy, i will also get Juvia and Levy to help out," Erza stated. I nodded.
"Thanks so much!"

Laxus POV
Geez, Lucy needs so much shit. I stood from the bar and walked to get the STILL fighting Ice Boy and Flame Head. Before they butted heads, i grabbed their heads and pulled them apart. They immediately joined forces and started attacking me. Growling, I struck them both with lightning before glancing over to Lucy, who shook her head at my actions. Sweat dropping, I picked Ice Prick and Dumbs #1 and headed towards the guild doors, wanting to get whatever was on the list off. As soon as I exited the build Natsu and Gray punched me in the gut, making me release them. 

"What the hell you doing man?!" Gray asked. I sighed. 

"Lucy asked me to get some stuff and told me I should bring you guys along," I explained. Ants fumed. 

"Why would she want that?!" he asked, lighting his fist. I grinded my teeth.

"'Cause she didn't want your help in moving her apartment around, so will you help me go shopping or not?!" I yelled at the weaklings. They both sweat dropped and nodded. Scoffing, I turned and headed for the shopping center of Fiore. "Dumbasses." 

Walking into the shopping center, i looked down to the list for the first item. Crib and crib mattress. what the hell are those, he asked himself. Gray snatched the list from my hand and read them as well.

"I know where to get these!" he stated before removing his shirt and walking to the baby aisle.

"Maybe don't strip while we are here," Natsu whispered as we followed the Ice wizard.

"Shut up Fire breath," Gray said from in front.

"Put some clothes on Stripper!" Natsu said, rasing his voice.

"Both of you shut up!" I whisper/yelled to them. Glancing around I saw two young mothers walking away from us slowly. Sighing, I walked on and found the cribs. They were all hand crafted and beautiful. "Alright, Natsu and Gray, find the mattress. I'll get the crib picked out."

"Right!" they stated in unison and zoomed off. Sighing again, I looked at all the cribs...

"Which one is perfect for Lucy?" I kept asking myself. Finally I saw the crib. "There we go."

Lucy POV

How long is it going to take those boys to get those items?! I thought. Groaning, I finished changing Shishi and put her next to her brother on the floor. Since they are only a few hours old, they haven't moved much, but TK has learned to open and close his mouth a little. Smiling at my children, I looked over to Erza and Levy, who were moving around my furniture to be able to fit all the baby stuff. We have gotten rid of the dining room entirely and moved my bed over a little more to allow a dresser for them. Erza has also changed the wallpaper in one corner of the room for a play area for the kids. It was adorable. It had pink and blue and yellow clouds all over it. A carousel was spinning on the ceiling with little keys on them. Stuffed animals and blocks were neatly piled in the corner.

"Erza, you did so well, thanks again!" I stated. The red head nodded.

"It is no trouble Lucy," she stated. Giggling, I stood and went over and grabbed her a piece of cake from my fridge. She happily helped herself and stuffed it down her throat. Levy had cleaned the house and gotten the dangerous object hidden away in child proof cabinets. She took a seat on the couch and sighed.

"Lucy, you kids are most definitely gonna have a safe childhood.." Levy mumbled. I laughed.

"Not with Natsu around. But it will be a hectic ride!" I explained. They nodded. Someone knocked on the door. Putting down the tray I had, I walked over. It was Juvia. She smiled at me and handed me a baby umbrella that had yellow elephants all over it.

"Juvia congratulates you!" she said. I smiled.

"Come on in Juvia, have some food. Gray, Natsu, and Laxus will be here soon with some other stuff so we might need some help," I said. She nodded vigorously and ran inside to the babies sides. I chuckled.

We relaxed for a while until someone else came to the door. Setting down my sandwich, I walked over and opened it. It was a mountain of diapers and baby bottles. Someone was having a hard time holding them up. Furrowing my brow I widened the door and let them in. Levy and Juvia grabbed TK and Shishi from the floor and watched as the mountain of baby items toppled to the floor. Happy flew in and laughed.

"Nice going Natsu!" he yelled. The fire dragon slayer jumped from underneath the pile and roared.

"say that again! I dare you!" he yelled. I giggled as he started to chase Happy. Gray walked in next with the crib mattress and a bunch of blankets and pillows and...uh?

"Gray, why do you have a..uh...dildo?" I whispered.

"So that's what that is! No one would tell me so I just bought it!" Levy and the girls laughed from behind me. I sweatdropped.

"Gray, we need to talk about that..." I snapped out of it soon. "Where's Laxus?"

"right here." He stood in the doorway, holding the crib. I gasped.

"Oh my gosh..."

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