Chapter 4: Dreams and Intruders

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Natsu POV

I sat criss-cross applesauce on Lucy's bed. I didn't bring any pajamas (obviously) so i just wore my everyday clothing. Lucy pulled up a comfy chair and pulled over a big box. I raised a brow. She saw me do this and smiled. 

'On my mission, the man that had this necklace turned out to be a very kind person. When he found out I was pregnant, he gave me the baby clothes he and his sister used to have. I had refused to begin with, but in the end excepted them," she explained. I made an 'o' face. She smiled and started pulling out these small pairs of pants and a few pink skirts. 

"Tell me about your mission," I asked curiously. "All i know is that it was an S-Class Mission so yeah."

"Well, I had to find the castle with the man. When I did I said I'd like to work as a cleaning lady or his personal service. After a few months, my stomach started to grow and the man started to question why i barfed every morning. When I told him I was pregnant he freaked out and told me not to move or do any work! Can you believe that? I obviously declined, but he wouldn't have it. So I made my work load a little smaller and started to do a lot more ground floor work than anything. The man and me grew really close. I learned that the necklace he had was really just a super expensive ruby that everyone wanted, so the poster that went out was probably some freak who needed the money. And, about a month ago, the man grew very ill. Like, wow sick. I tended to him, actually growing used to the fact of being a maid and not a wizard. I summoned Virgo and told her to try to find a cure, but she couldn't. Finally, about a week ago, the man died. Before he did, he gave me this necklace and told me that he will always be there. He said I reminded him of his sister and that he had grown to love me like family..." Lucy wiped away slight tears going down her eyes as she folded a small sundress. I smiled.

"He sounded like a good guy, but I'm glad your back Lucy, Mira almost murdered me for drinking most of her volcano whiskey," I joked. Lucy chuckled. Grabbing a big pile of clothes, she passed them to me and told me to just fold them in piles of gender. I nodded and set to work. Lucy giggled across from me.

"If Levy were here she'd be dying over these little clothes," Lucy giggled some more. I didn't understand why she was making such a big deal about this, I mean its just tiny clothes. I held up a onesie that had a little blue dragon on the front. Suddenly an image of me holding a little blond boy in this onesie popped into my mind. I shook my head and giggled with Lucy.

"She probably would be," I replied. Lucy smiled and folded a pink and white striped shirt into the girl pile. Natsu looked over to his piles and sighed. He has done literally nothing. Groaning, he dropped a onesie and lied down on Lucy's super comfortable bed. Closing my eyes, I slowly, and accidently, fell asleep.

Lucy POV

I smiled as the pinkette started snoring. I folded the last onesie and put it in the boy pile. Placing my hand on my baby belly, I started humming. Hopefully your daddy leaves us alone, I thought, he's a real meanie. Closing my eyes I fell asleep as well, sitting up in my rocking chair. 


"Where's my babies?!" I screamed. I was sitting up in my bed, wait this isn't my bed. it was a large work table where my legs and arms were strapped down. My stomach was flat since the baby was no longer in me.

"You will see them soon enough," said a voice from the shadows.

"GIVE THEM TO ME NOW!" I shouted. Suddenly a beam of light shot from my mouth and towards the person in the shadows.

(End Dream)

I woke with a jump. Tears were running down my cheeks. What the hell was that, I thought. Looking around, I saw that Natsu was still in my bed asleep, but the window above it was open and the curtains flapped. Standing in a rush, nearly falling over from the weight in my belly. I reached for my keys and waited for the intruder to show itself. A sound came from behind me. I turned quickly and punched the person straight in the jaw.

"Ow, Lucy, what was that for?" Gray asked. His nose was bleeding andhe gripped it. I gasped and went to the kitchenette and grabbed a towel and handed it to the ice mage.

"I'm sorry, Gray, didn't mean to hurt you, I just thought that you might be someone who would want to hurt me," I explained.

"I think Flame Brain would have sensed if I was gonna hurt you," Gray said. I looked to the pinkette and shrugged.

"Anyway, what do you need at this hour?" I asked. Gray put down the towel. he looked down into his lap.

"Who's the daddy?"

I gasped and looked away blushing.

"Doesn't matter," I said. Gray chuckled.

"I knew you would say that," he said. Standing up, he walked over to me and placed a hand on my stomach. I blushed harder until I looked like Erza's hair. Placing his hand next my head, he got really close to my face and looked me straight in the eyes. "Thanks for choosing me to be the one to stay with you during the last months of pregnancy." He kissed my nose. I squealed in my head loudly. "If I wasn't the one to, I'd be so scared for you."


Natsu was sitting on the bed, he was glaring at the ice mage hard. Gray chuckled and backed off.

"Alright, Flame brain, I see the hint, I'll go, but," he looked back to Lucy," I'll be back."

I blushed so hard and crossed my arms and looked away.

"see you later, Gray<" I said. He smiled and left the apartment through the front door. The Natsu ran over to me and gave me a huge hug.

"Did he hurt you at all?! You looked so scared, I'm sorry I didn't wake up sooner, Luce," Natsu rambled. I smiled and hugged him back.

"Its ok, Natsu, he was just worried, no need to make a big fuss," I said. He nodded and continued to hug me.



Grimlover1, out :)

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