Chapter 10: The Crib

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Laxus POV

I smirked as Lucy gawked at the crib that I held in my hands. It was meant for two kids with a divider in the middle, perfect for her and her twins. The bars and the rims were oak and were engraved with tars and the moon, which smiled. It was only three feet tall and very light weight. One side was removable and had a curtain (perfect for playing peek a boo, in my opinion). Lucy smiled at me and looked about to cry.

"Its PERFECT!" she exclaimed. I nodded and set it down in the space between her bed and the play corner Erza had made. TK and Shishi watched as the adults set up the crib and put all the blankets and pillows inside. I had finished putting a small pillow in the corner and turned to Lucy and them. Erza and Levy were leaving, waving goodbye to the new mother. Natsu and Gray were fighting in the corner again. Lucy was watching Shishi and TK as they layed on their bellies and looked around the room. Sighing, I walked towards her. 

She turned her head as I approached and smiled. I sat down beside her and lowered my head to watch the kids. TK was gonna end up looking like me entirely, while Shishi is gonna be like her beautiful mother. I wonder what magic they are gonna have, I thought. Lucy rested her head on me suddenly, causing my eyes ti widen. She had fallen asleep. I smiled and picked her up bridal style and placed her on the bed. TK and Shishi had fallen asleep on their little mat. Natsu and Gray watched as I put the beautiful blonde to bed and walked back over to them. Natsu smiled and went and layed down besides Lucy, making me and Gray fume. 

"What, I missed doing this! I used to do this back before she left on that job and Gray started staying with her!" he whisper/yelled. I sighed and walked over and sat in a chair besides the bed, protecting Lucy. 

Gray put the children in the crib I had brought and then he came and sat at the foot of the bed, taking off his shirt and making a small Ice Make sculpture. I saw it was a small figure of Lucy waving and smiling, with her short skirt and t-shirt. I went to the blonde and grabbed her hand. 

"Fullbuster, Dragneel," i stated sternly. They looked at me. "I love Lucy, and I plan on making her mine. Don't get in my way." Natsu glared at me. 

"Too bad, Laxus! I love her too, so I'm not giving up on her!" the flame head yelled. 

"Yeah, same here. If you want her your gonna have to go through us!" Gray said. I just shrugged and and rested my eyes. 


Lucy POV

I awoke from my nap to Shishi crying in the crib. I opened my eyes and saw that the boys were sleeping all around my bed. Sighing, I rose from the bed and went to the crib. Shishi had her face all scrunched up, looking hungry. TK lay beside her, awake but not crying. He was just staring at her, his little baby hand holding hers, calming her a little. I smiled and picked them both up. Grabbing a blanket I sat in a rocking chair and unsheathed my boobs for the children. I felt uncomfortable with doing this with the boys in the room, but I've heard that breastfeeding is better than anything with children, so I'm a bit forced to. The babies suckled on me while I rocked back and forth slowly. Looking up, I saw Natsu waking up and looking at me. I smiled at him. He rose from the bed and walked over to me, sitting cross legged beside the chair. 

"What are you doing?" he asked. I blushed and looked away. 

"Well, the kids need to eat and they can't have solid foods, because they weren't born with teeth. So, the mommies have to feed them with milk from their bodies," I explained. he nodded. he looked down and thought of something. 

"But, why is your chest butt covered?" he asked. I laughed out loud, though I shouldn't have. He looked at me confused. 


"sorry, but that was too funny! They are called breasts Natsu, girls have them so they can feed their babies," I explained. He made an 'o' with his mouth and nodded. I chuckled again and waited for the babies to be done.

"hey luce," Natsu started. I looked up at him. He was staring at me intently, no more joking glint, no more adorable smile. He just stared at me.

"I love you."

My heart beat faster from this statement. I opened my mouth at his words and waited for him to say it was all a joke, that those words were just something on his mind. Natsu didn't say anything to counteract the words. He meant them. He loved me. I blushed and was about to speak when Shishi started crying again. I turned from Natsu to tend to my child. Lifting the blanket and putting my boob back in place, I saw that the little girl was reaching for her brother. I shifted around to have them both in the same arm. I then looked back to Natsu. 

"Natsu, i don't think you understand love," i stated. Natsu shook his head. 

" I do! I do!" he exclaimed, making Laxus move in the chair. " I know I love you! I can't go a day without thinking of you! I want you to be with me and only me! I want you-GAH!" Suddenly, Laxus appeared and pulled Natsu away from me and threw him towards the door. 

"Shut up, dumbass!" Laxus shouted, making Shishi whimper a bit. I looked over and saw Gray slowly start to strip in his sleep. I rose from my spot and slapped him, making him wake up. 

"WHA?" he yelled. Then he saw Laxus advancing towards Natsu. Nodding, he made his way over. "Ice Make- BARRIER!" A wall formed around Laxus and Natsu, trapping them in for a bit. 

"Thanks Gray," I said. 

"No problem, sweetheart," he stated back. I blushed and rocked the twins in my arms. "Lets get away before the barriers break." I chuckled and nodded. Grabbing a diaper bag, I followed gray out of the house. 

"Be safe boys, come find us when your free!" I said, before leaving the house and shutting the door. 

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Sorry for the slow update! The pairing has been decided, but I'll keep it a secret. Hehe I'm so criminal

Grimlover1 OUT!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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