Chapter 5: The Dragon and Ice Have a Cat Fight

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Natsu POV 

Lucy and I headed to the quid in the morning to get a quick job just to get some money. I kicked down the doors and entered the very normal looking guild. Cana and Elfman drank at the bar, talking light conversation. Mira was wiping down another already clean cup and talking to Lisanna and Bixlow. Lucy followed behind me but then wondered away when she saw Levy and Gajeel. I went to the request board and looked at the simpler jobs. Someone came and stood beside me, though they weren't really looking for a job. A dark chuckle could be heard next to me. I turned my head and saw Laxus glaring at me with a smirk. 

"How ya doin, Natsu?" He said darkly. I growled. 

"Don't hurt Lucy again, or I'll kill you," I whispered. laxus widened his eyes, but then smirked again.

"You're not strong enough, you only beat me in the battle of Fairy Tail because you had two other people with you," Laxus said. He turned and started walking away. I growled, having my fists catch fire but doing nothing more. After Laxus walked out of the guild, I went over to where Lucy was. She was now with Gray. The Stripper didn't have his shirt on, but other than that he was clothed. Lucy was standing up and Gray was sitting with his hands on Lucy's belly. i was just close enough to hear what was going on.

"Daddy says hi," Gray whispered in a baby voice to her stomach. I tilted my head in confusion. Daddy...? Lucy chuckled and rolled her eyes. 

"Really Gray, you're being ridiculous," she said. Gray shrugged. 

"Hey, I'm just saying they deserve a father," he said. 

"AND AN UNCLE!" I said, putting my arm around Gray and smiling at Lucy's stomach. She gasped, but then got over it and smiled. 

"And an uncle," she said, pointing her thumb at me. Gray glared at me, but shook his head and turned back to lucy. 

"Idiot Flame Brain..." he mumbled. I could hear him. 

"What was that Ice Princess?!" I asked sternly. He looked at me sternly back. 

"You heard me, Pyro-Maniac," he said. I crashed my forehead to his and clenched my fists. He did the same. 

"Why don't you say it to my face, Popsicle!"

"Gladly, you Hypocritical Piece of Coal" 

"I don't know what that means, but it got me angry, Droopy Eyes," I growled. 

"Then come at me, Dragon Breath!" I raised my fist ti give him a handy dandy Fire Dragon Slayer Iron Fist, when someone placed their hands on each of our chests and pushed us apart. 

"STOP IT THE BOTH OF YOU, YOU ARE FAMILY, AND AS FAMILY, YOU SHOULDN'T BE FIGHTING LIKE THIS!" Lucy yelled at us. Everyone in the guild turned to look at us. I looked down ashamed. Gray crossed his arms and scowled. 

"Gray started it," I pouted. Lucy looked at me. 

"I don't care who started it, I'm finishing it!" she looked to Gray. "Say sorry the both of you or I'll be forced to give you both a Lucy kick and punch!" Gray shrunk down and looked at me scared. Sighing, he looked to me normally. 

"Sorry, Fire Pants," he said reluctantly. 

"I'm sorry too, Ice dancer." Lucy nodded. 

"Good, so no more fighting until this baby is born, got it? Can you do that for me?" she asked us, using those cute eyes that were so irrestistable...what am i thinking?! NO NO NO!! SHe is your partner!!! I nodded. Gray nodded. "Thanks boys!" she turned and started walking slowly to Cana and Mira at the bar. 

Lucy POV

I'm glad I could straighten out those boys, I thought triumphantly. Standing besides Cana, I started making small conversation with her and Mirajane, when I felt the tap on the side of my stomach. I gasped happily. 

"It KICKED!" I screamed. Mira squealed and put her hand on my belly as fast as she could. It kicked again. She screamed, pulling back so Levy could have her turn. The whole guild watched as I happily kicked everytime the little baby kicked. I still felt a bit queasy every once in a while from the pregnancy, but I'm now stopped having morning sickness, so I felt a little better. Levy screamed as well when the baby kicked her. I smiled as she looked at me happily. Gajeel came up behind her and wrapped his arm around her middle, whispering something to her that made her blush. I'm pretty sure I had a good idea what he said. 

I scanned the crowds of Fairy Tail guild members for one in particular, but he didn't seem to be around at the moment. SIghing, I took a seat at the bar, placing  a hand on my belly and rubbing it slowly. Only a few more months...


I think next chapter should be the labor, what do you think, comment if you think it should be

Grimlover1 out!

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