(We Meet Again) Chapter 11

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"Finally!" A lady in red, having black hair exclaimed as she stretched her arms wide, savoring the wide range of view in Toronto.

"Are you enjoying eonnie?" Yeri smiled as they went out of the airplane.

It's been three years after all the bitter things and hindrances happened way back then. Yeri had finally graduated and got a successful job, in order for them to raise from the poor environment they both had. Both of their parents decided not to come with them in having a vacation in Canada. But, to rest in their newly builded house in Korea.

"You really grown up, honey." Sooyoung smiled as she patted her little sister's head. "This is all because of your hardwork, eonnie. Now, we're free to go wherever we want!", "Hey, remember that I'm here to work as the CEO's secretary. Okay?", "What company are you going to, anyway?"

"B-Art Company. They have the greatest sales out there. I'm actually surprised that they hired me!" Yeri smiled as she muttered, "It would've been greater if it's a CEO like Sungjae or even him." She rolled her eyes as she smacked her sister's head. "Stop reading books, okay? I came here for business.", "Well, you're only here for a year. Since, the company of yours will be moving back to Korea. I'll be first on going back, I guess." Yeri scoffed, clinging on her sister's arms.

Sooyoung's phone rang as she answered it, "You'll be following next week? Great!" She exclaimed through the phone. "Yes. Better stand by!" Irene exclaimed through the phone. She shrugged, "Fine, fine. I'll wait at the hotel, okay?"

She hang up as she smiled at Yeri, "Let's go?"

"Let us explore the Canada!"


"You've grown to be a great lady, Sooyoung."

"Is the new secretary coming?" A guy with short height asked as he ran over to the office. "Are you that excited?" Sungjae retorted as he snatched the papers away from the guy. "Eunkwang, better set the table." He muttered as scanned over to the informations.

His brows suddenly knit together as he realized who his secretary is going to be.
"Sir, your secretary is here."

His heart suddenly dropped upon hearing those words. After two years of separating, his heart was still racing everytime he heard the name.

"Good morning, Mr. CEO..." She trailed off as she realized who she was working for.

Regaining his composure, he flashed a small smirk while saying, "Good morning. It's been a long time, isn't it?"

She heaved a deep and frustrated sigh and muttered, "Yes, a very long time."

He shrugged at her response and suddenly threw his documents before she even catched it. Her eyes narrowed at his rude introduction, wait is it even introduction? They've known each other for years! Well, even kissed in the past. For even their sake, they've almost been together. "Are you that bitter?" She scowled. As he chuckled, seeing her bratty attitude after a long time. "Haven't you catched it? You still suck at catching things." You didn't even catch me. He scoffed to his self as he picked up the documents he threw away, making her eye him in deep intense gaze.

He showed off a smug grin, "Why, did you miss me?" She rolled her eyes, "Let me start my work, mister CEO." She emphasized his position as she snatched the papers away from him.
"May I ask why you've moved here In Canada?" He asked.

"Haven't you still learned some manners, Mr. Yook? I'm here to work, not to fulfill you with nonsense informations." she bit back, it seems like she was avoiding some informations to be leaked. "Is that so? You'll be working here at the table beside mine. Besides, you're my secretary after all." He clicked his tongue, showing off a goofy smile.

"Well then, shall we start the introductions?"

"It's been a long time, and you're still rude as ever." He mumbled, clicking links through his desktop. She kept her eyes on the screen, even if she was noticing the way he peek stares at her.

She didn't even change besides for her hair. She seems more beautiful.

"Please focus on the screen rather than anything." She cleared her throat as she placed her hand in the table, supporting her weight. He chuckled to his self, "This is the informations about the new company, right before we head back to SeOUL after a year. So we'll be bearing each other for a year. And you'll be deciding to renew your contract after a year. Is that clear?" He asked as he went to the home page of the company.

"Okay." She shortly replied, as she pointed to the logo, "I'll be focusing more on the history in order to grow knowledge. Thank you." She muttered pulling away her weight from the screen.

"I'll be going, inform me when you've finished it." He replied as he walked away from his office.

She nodded as she heard him close the door.

"Really, what's with that jerk!? I really can't believe I fell for that guy." She clicked her tongue as she slammed the papers on her desk.

"Are you mad?" She heard him yell outside the office as she replied, "I'm not." She rolled her eyes as she ducked her head in the desk.

What have you entered, Sooyoung!?

He chuckled as he observed her actions from the outside.

"She still haven't changed after all."

He reflected upon his self,

I'm not going to let her make me feel this twice, not again. I'm already broken once.

"What, you're working for him!?" A voice from the line squealed. She hissed, "I didn't expected this. Shut up, Seulgi." She placed her hand in her temple, obviously hopeless. "But dear, what if that's fate? I don't know. But, you see!? I'm so going to tease you when we've reach there!"

She hissed in response causing Seulgi to laugh along with Irene who was eavesdropping. Hurriedly dropping the call from Korea, Seulgi smiled.

"Did they really work for each other?" Changsub asked as he took a sip from his wine. "God is really good. I think they're really for each other." Hyunsik smiled, "You're right. I wonder how that one year would go with them." Irene muttered, "but knowing her, she would probably back-out again.."

Wendy suddenly spoke, "It's not too late for them to begin again! They're young and strong. Why don't we wait for the outcome? They'd probably develop feelings for each other, once again."

Seulgi sighed, "I hope that they could begin again."

Hyunsik chuckled, "They would, they would."

They would.

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