Chatper 7: Party Part 2

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I was surpised that the girls did this for us. they only thing i could do is stare at Annabelle with her beautiful dress she was wearing.

"Mate. stop checking her out,"i heard a deep voice whipher to me.

'Is it creepy,Liam?" i asked as i turned the other way. Now i was looking at a sign that said 'Thrid Album' on it.

'Well,it uhh...kinda is." i chucked.

'Dont creep the girl you love.' he walked off to Sophia. Sophia was a good girlfriend for Liam.Also Danielle,but i dont know. I walked to the table of snacks and drink.for some reason i wanted a cold beer. i went to the kitchen and looked around.


I TURNED on some music it was the song 'Midnight Memories.' I was singing along and started to dance.

             Anabelle's P.O.V

The place got really crowd, until we moved the party outside. I haven't seen Harry since he came through the door. I am kind of disappointed when I see him dancing with another girl, but I shrugged it off and tried to have some fun with Perrie. We were on the dance floor showing our moves off like idiots, but whatever right? At least we are having some fun. Perrie kept grinding on me, which messed up my small dance, so I tried to out shine her by ruining her dance too. She gave me that 'Oh hell no' look and I laughed. After a while it got really hot in there, I felt sweat coming down from my neck. Perrie and I went outside for some fresh air.

"Have you tried a jello shot before?" She asked me.


"Here try some." She gave me a small shot and t drank it. That tasted like jello but with some alcohol which it doesn't taste as bad as I thought.

"Give me another one." I told her. She gave me more and I think I ate about five. I was feeling tipsy by the way, but I don't care.

"Let's go dance again." I told her.

"Sure." I grabbed her hand an we both made our way back.

"Hey girls!" Eleanor said next to me.

"Hey." Perrie and I both said at the same time.

"We should dance." She said shaking her booty, well this girl is obviously drunk.

"Where's Sophia and Lizzie?" Perrie asked her.

"Oh they are at the back with their boyfriends."

"Where's Louis?"

"Talking to some of his old best mates, shut up and let's go." We all hand out arms locked together, so we wouldn't lose each other in the large crowd. Sooner or later we found a good spot for us. Eleanor was dancing like a wild animal, while Perrie wa dancing like a professional, and well for me I just danced to the beat. 

I could feel i was really drunk. Me and the girls, we are drunk. i could feel was getting dizzy,and not walking good. 

i bumped into someone,i couldnt see who it was because it was dark,only the dance floor lights. That someone grabbed my arm and took me outside to  the patio.

"Hey,w-why y-you grabbing m-me l-like that?!" you could tell i was druck.

"Anabelle! It's me.Harry!'

"Harry Potter?!" i had to giggle.

"No,Harry Styles!'

'Harry Styles! Where?!" He took my arm,and put it aroud his neck.

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