Chapter Two

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10 years later

"Hurry up, Sam. You wouldn't want to be late for your tenth birthday party." Dad says. I frown. I don't want to go. It's just going to be a bunch of other kids I live in the vault with that I don't care about. Well, Dan will be there. I smile. Maybe this won't be so bad.
He helps me pull my hair back into a ponytail before he puts a party hat on my head. It is bright yellow with a huge purple pom-pom on top.
We exit our living quarters and walk down the hall. My boots click on the metal floor.
We go to the diner and I am greeted by many fellow vault dwellers. They wish me happy birthday and give me gifts.
I look around. Where is Dan? I am about to ask my dad when I hear the door slide open and a familiar head of brown, fluffy hair appears.
"Did you guys eat cake yet?" He huffs as he brushes some stray locks out of his face. When he sees us all looking at him, silent, his cheeks turn red and he takes a seat beside me.
"Happy birthday." He whispers, lightly punching my arm.
"What took you so long?" I question, slightly annoyed, but happy my best friend is here. "You didn't forget, did you?"
"No, I didn't forget," He says, horribly imitating my voice. Before I can pinch him he pulls out a brown paper bag. "I was just finishing your present."
"What?" Did he make it himself?
He slides the bag across the table and I front of me. "Open it." He says, a hint of eagerness in his voice. I cautiously take it.
"If there is a dead rad roach head in here you're going to get it."
"You'll love it, I promise. Besides, why would I give you the same present two years in a row?"
"Fine." I slowly open the paper bag and I reach inside. I feel soft, stringy fabric underneath my fingertips. I pull out the thing inside. I am surprised to find that it's a doll. It's handmade, identifiable by the messy hand stitching and mismatched fabric. But it's beautiful and I love it.
"You made this?" I am very surprised and happy.
"Yeah. It took me forever."
I hug the doll to my chest before I hug Dan. "Thanks, Dan! It's the best present ever."
"Eww, get away from me! You have cooties!" He cries after a moment. Then I know it's the right time and I pinch his arm.

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