Chapter Four

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Later that day after we finish lunch we go to do our daily jobs. As we're walking down the hall the alarms go off. At first everyone thinks it's only a drill. Until a loud voices over the speaker booms, "THIS IS YOUR OVERSEER. RESIDENTS OF VAULT 204. MAKE YOUR WAY TO YOUR LIVING QUARTERS IMMEDIATELY. THIS IS NOT A DRILL, I REPEAT, THIS IS NOT A DRILL."
My eyes widen. I'm not supposed to panic. This is what we're taught. Never panic. But how can you not? I sprint to my living quarters. I see Dan. When be spots me he hurries over.
"What's happening?!" I nearly shout, trying to be heard over the sirens.
"Something has invaded the vault. I think I heard someone say raiders!" I can see the fear in his eyes. We've all heard the horror stories of what raiders do. They capture vaults, enslave the people, rape the women, kill people, steal everything, and destroy.
"We have to get in our living quarters! I love you!" And then he's yanking me into his arms. We hug each other tightly. Who knows if we'll see each other again?
After the shortest few moments he releases me. He kisses me and then he's rushing off.
"I love you!" I call after him. He looks back. He heard.
I hurry to my living quarters and go inside. My dad is already there and he looks so relieved when I enter. He hugs me tight.
"What's going on?" I ask them, more terrified than ever.
"Raiders." Dad sighs. That's one of the worst things that could happen.
We follow the steps we were taught by the overseer and we go to hide. Just as I am sliding under my bed I hear an explosion, gun shots, and shouting. They're inside our living quarters. 
Then he's peering under my bed at me. "Whatever happens, Sam, I love you so much." Dad says. I can see the fear on his face and I know something is going to happen.
"I love you, dad!" I say. "Please, come hide with me.
I hear footsteps and he shushes me. Then he's standing upright. Seconds later I hear more gunshots and see pairs of feet and dirty boots run in. All at once the room is filled with gunfire. It's so loud I think my eardrums have burst. Then I see my dad fall to the floor, blood pooling around his still form. The feet disappear and I stare at my father. He's dead. I cover my mouth tight. After many minutes I crawl out from my hiding place. At the sight of my dad's corpse I nearly collapse. I weep.
I know I have to get out. I look around my room.
I grab my backpack and shove my doll, a family picture, some clothes and other things in it. Then I run out. There's no one in this hall at the moment.
I peer over toward Dan's door. It's blown open. My heart stops. I run in. I call his name, my voice catching at the sight of blood on the floor. I wipe my tears away, though they still come. I follow the trail. It leads into his parents room. I find both of them on the floor, much like my dad. Then I go to his room. His door is closed. I stare at it. He has to be in there, dead or alive.
I walk over and it slides open. I peer in. It's empty.
"Dan?" I say, my voice wavering. And then his closet door is flying open and he's running over. He wraps his arms around me.
"You're alive. You're alive." He breathes.
"You're alive." I echo. I can hardly believe it.
"They were in here. Where're my parents." He says in a rush. He doesn't know that they're dead.
I can't stop crying.
"We need to get out. Right now, Dan. Get what you need. We need to leave."
"Okay. But where're my parents? Are they getting stuff?"
"Dan..." This is going to kill him.
"Where you crying Sam? What happened?"
"Dan, my dad is dead. He died trying to protect me. And your parents are dead, too."
And all at once his face crashes and he begins to cry. "What?" He sobs. "They can't be dead!"
"Dan, they are. And if we don't get out of here, we will be dead, too. Or worse, they could capture us."
And then he's rushing around, grabbing some things. He shoves them in his own backpack and we go out.
When we walk past his parent's room I cover his eyes and guide him past. I don't want him to see that. I wish I didn't have to see my own dad. We run up to the vault door and out through the tunnel to the wasteland.

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