Chapter Five

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The Wasteland is something totally different than what I expected. I thought it would be filled with skeletons and irradiated pits of scum. But it's empty. There are broken skeletons that were once buildings, and destroyed cars.
We come across a few weird, mutated monsters. We hide from them.
Finally, when the sun begins to set we look for a place to hideout for the night. We find an old abandoned restroom beside an obliterated gas station. We go in and lock the door. We find makeshift bedding that's basically just cardboard on the floor. Someone has already been here. But there's dust and cobwebs. The place hasn't been touched in a long time.
I sit on a makeshift bed and peer over at Dan. He is leaning against the wall.
"Come here, hon." I say. He doesn't look up as he walks over and he sits beside me. When he begins to cry I face him. He sits between my legs and he wraps his arms around me tight. I hold him and let him cry. And then I'm crying, too.
We both cry long and hard, until we fall asleep on that cold, hard cardboard piece.

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