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"The tiny claws will be striking soon." A white shecat said looking down in the puddle to see the camp of a clan by the name of DepthClan. The clans had been peacefully for the half a moon since EverClan was almost destroyed the glowing orange creature by the name of Zerec, but all of that was about to change.

"Yes, I agree. What can we do to stop it? If they strike then they will be more war and death then the war with the Dark Forest." A dark ginger tom asked sitting next to the white shecat looking down into the pool. They had to do something to stop the battle or there would be much distrust.

"I know this isn't my place to say anything, but maybe one of us can sneak into the Dark Forest and stop her before she does anything." A new pale ginger and white shecat with green eyes said softly as she padded up to the other cats. She blinked softly then looked into the pool longly.

"Don't think that Lilystar. You have just as much right to be here as well since your clan is part of this. Your plan is good but who could do it? They would suspect any of us." The white shecat said blinking her blue eyes toward the leader.

"How about we try and use Greystar? I'm sure after her clan was basically destroyed she would help." The dark ginger tom suggested flicking his ears and looking toward the border of the Dark Forest and StarClan.

"No, she would be too corrupt by now. We need someone young. Someone close to one of those cats." Lilystar said softly looking to them both.

The three thought in silence trying to think of someone that could get into the Dark Forest without being noticed. None of them had any idea of who to send into the place of evil. They soon all to an agreement. They had to send someone from the living world.

"How about Maplepaw? He's close to Tinypaw. She will listen to him." The white shecat asked looking back to the pool to spot the brown and white tom laying in the sun next to the calico shecat.

"No, he's too old. They will suspect something if he just now joins. We need someone younger. Someone who is just the perfect age." Lilystar said narrowing her eyes as she spotted a small black tom with some white streaks in his fur. He was getting ready to sneak up on Tinypaw and Maplepaw.

"Witheredpaw? No way. He's too young. He could get taken by the evil. He has no brain. He can be killed easily." The dark ginger tom said quickly lashing his tail as his eyes settled on the tom.

"He does look up to Tinypaw. She knows it as well. It would be perfect. We just need to make sure he doesn't say anything and just listens. We also can't let him be taken by the Dark Forest." The white shecat said shaking her fur.

Witheredpaw was the only hope they had. He had to save the clans from the war that was going to come. If he didn't do something, the clans would burn and be destroyed slowly. The clans were depending on the withered paw of DepthClan.


Oh yea! Publishing day! Oh gosh, it's been a week since I finished the last book. It seems like yesterday I finished it. I may not have a ton of chapters ready for this book but I will try and update once a day and if I get ahead enough I'll try for two chapters a day only cuz this book is going to be very fast paced unlike the last one which was a filler book basically.

Don't worry, they will get longer I just didn't know what to say in this one. We are putting a lot of trust in one cat. Can he make it? What do you guys think? Don't forget to leave a comment or a vote!

Warrior: Second Strike: Claws Strike: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now