Chapter 17

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[Maplesnow's POV]

I watched as Tinyclaw and Witheredpaw return to the camp. They seemed to be mad at each other. I was just about to go over as I heard my name called by Cheetahpelt. I turned and heard he wanted me for a border patrol. I agreed and walked to the patrol that was being led by Fallingsparkle. I saw a few other cats in there but no one I would talk to.

I followed after the white shecat as she led the patrol to the border that was shared with no one. I sniffed around flicking my tail back and forth. I wondered what Tinyclaw and Witheredpaw had been angry at each other as they entered the camp.

'Maybe it was about her kits?' I thought and sniffed a strange scent but as I looked I noticed no one else had scented it. I looked back at the ground.

"Hey, I found a scent. I'm going to go and follow it to see if I can figure out what it is." I told them before excusing myself from the group and heading after the scent.

As I walked, I noticed that it was two scents mixed into one. I narrowed my eyes as I got closer unsheathing my claws.

"Come out whoever you are! I already found you. Just admit defeat." I growled loudly wondering if they would actually come out from the shadows or make me get them.

I perked my ears hearing a small squeal and whimper. I titled my head as I saw two pairs of eyes. One of them was blue, the other was amber. Soon, they came out of the darkness. The one with bright blue eyes had a pelt the color of the sky before it snowed. It looked beautiful. The cat with amber eyes had the pelt of the sky after it rained. They both looked amazing.

"W-who are you?" The prettier one asked. She flicked her tail close to the ground. She seemed cautious and afraid as she stared up to me.

"I should be asking you that question. You are on DepthClan territory. I am Maplesnow, one of the warriors." I told them stopping my growling since I could tell they were nervous.

"I am Shardpaw." She whispered cowering her head under the other cat. "This is my brother, Shellpaw."

"We came in search of a clan called SmallClan. They came looking for DepthClan. I wanted to know if they had found them and if we could stay. Our leader is brutal." Shellpaw said taking a small step up to protect the shecat.

"Alright. I will see if my leader will let me take you to SmallClan. Come with me." I said flicking my tail slightly curious with the young shecat. They both hurried after me but Shardpaw stayed close to her brother.

I looked back to them with a soft small not wanting to scare them. I knew Midnightstar would let me go over to SmallClan and Bearstar but I would still have to ask.

Warrior: Second Strike: Claws Strike: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now