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So sorry this has been a short book. I literally couldn't think of anything to write. The next book will be a lot more action packed I believe. Who is the shadow cat? I believe many of you know who she is. She's back. Now, for the thanks!

I would like to thank Spokenwrites first of all because she is my best friend and the one who made most of these characters except mine. She has always been there for me and I love that gal.

Next would be skystxr for being that crazy best friend. She has pushed me because her series is amazing and I hope one day to have more books in my series then her. It's coming Sky, it won't be long now.

Last would be breezystxr because he is just hilarious to talk to. He makes me laugh and yells at me for doing harm to Bluesnow. I never listen as you can tell.

Now, the next book should be up soon, if not the same time as I publish this part. I would like to thank everyone once again! We are gaining so many readers and followers! I can't believe it!

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