Chapter Seven: Who I Am

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[ January 19th, Monday ]

- Lunch -

~Lauren's Pov. ~

Camila: Where have you been?

I hear as I light the cigarette that was sitting between my two teeth with my famous black lighter. I smirk a little as she walks through the entrance to my crews hangout area and I notice her figure of her small body. She was wearing a black and white plaid skater skirt, with some white converse's, she was wearing a white flannel shirt which was tucked in to her skirt. She had her hair in a high ponytail and her small pink 'Madden Girl' was tugging to her backpack closely. She brings herself to sit next to me and turns her body towards me, watching me.

Lauren: Around. What happened to the jeans?

Camila: What happened to the skirt?

Lauren: Fair point.

I say giving up on the topic.

Camila: Dinah, Normani, and Ally are furious with me.

Lauren: Let them, they have horrible secrets too, but I just have the heart and respect not to spread it around like they spread their legs for their fuckboys.

Camila: Where are your friends?

Lauren: Around.

Camila: I don't like these 'around' answers. They don't get me anywhere.

Lauren: Lucy went somewhere with Rosa, the rest are ditching somewhere. I think they drove down to the dessert.

Camila: Who is Rosa?

Lauren: Lucy's girlfriend, who she is always fighting with over some bullshit. I don't think they are the right couple, but the hell am I to tell my best friends who is right for her.

Camila: Oh...Why didn't you ditch with the rest of them? Don't you like ditching school?

Lauren: Well I volunteer myself to come here every fucking day, so does it matter.

Camila: And the real answer is.

Lauren: I knew that you might need a friend her for lunch and your classes since the others kind of bailed on you.

Camila: Thanks.

Lauren: No problem Cams.

Camila:...You know that cigarettes are bad for you.

Lauren: Yeah, I know.

Camila: They can kill you.

Lauren: Well my friend, have you ever heard that metaphor of you put the thing between your teeth that kills you, but you don't give it the power to kill you. Only sometimes, and if it does try to kill you, you beat the shit out of it.

Camila: You are officially ridiculous.

Lauren: I know.

Camila: Why are you such a rebel girl Lauren? You get and do what you like.

Lauren: Well all people say to me is that I should be something else. Something that is not me, but they don't know who I am. They think I'm just this broken girl who is fighting because I'm angry when I'm not. I'm fighting for peace.

Camila: How exactly are do you fight for peace when peace is meant to be peaceful?

Lauren: Well have you taken a good look at the group of friends I have?

Camila: Yes, of course. I am close to two of them.

Lauren: Good for you, but you just look at them, maybe glance and everyone only see's dark clothes, leather jackets, dark makeup and everyone say we are just rebels. Bad kids, nothing but trouble, so it's like this law that everyone must stay away or we're gonna fucking ruin lives. We may come off as that, but we're not that. We're just a diverse group of people who've been put in the dark, we have these unique stories that we fight through it all. We've just received this label from baths like Dinah Hansen, Normani Hamilton, and Ally Hernandez, and that's how the world see's us now. So we give them a reason to believe that. Yea we're fighting, but we're fighting for peace all at the same time.

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