Hideki Hinata x reader (part 1/2)

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You only joined the Afterlife Battlefront a few days ago, and you seem to be pretty popular among the male members. Perhaps its the way your gorgeous hair shines in the sunlight or perhaps its how you can be so optimistic at hardest times... whatever it is, they are drawn to you.

But you don't want just anyone, you want one of the main protagonists, Hideki Hinata. You dont know why but you feel a connection between you two. Whenever you speak - you stutter. Whenever you walk around him - you always end up stumbling and falling. To him you're an imperfect angel. (No not Angel as in Kanade). But how would you know that? You cant exactly read his mind.

"Hinata! Ive got something to show you!" You shout, your heart races and you're getting nervous just in case you mess up.
"What is it Y/N?" He asks you. You can just about have the courage to throw it at him.
"OW!" He then picks up the object... "a box of chocolates?"
You look at him and his gaze is locked on the expensive (okay lets just be clear they were the cheapest chocolates you can find... hey even the afterlife demands money) chocolates.
"Yeah... they're for y-you........... d-do you like them?" You stutter out, blushing.
"Yes i do... thank you Y/N." he admires the box, then opens it. All he could see was a wide range of chocolates... with some missing ones (you naughty, naughty person.) but either way a smile is painted on his face. He then rests his arms on your face and leans in for a thank-you-kiss.

Writer's note: sorry i couldnt do anymore cuz yanno school but ill do part 2 later on today x 💕

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