Yuki Sohma x (Tohru!) Reader (different plot) part one

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A/N im tired okay? So imma just make it out as if you're tohru, sorry for being so
Lazy.. ill make an original version tomorrow morning. Its 11:30pm where i live.. so just bare with me everyone ✌️ love all my readers btw ❤️

Yuki passes me his clothes while mine are being washed. He shows me my temporary room.. almost simultaneously, the roof started to break, and a boy with ginger hair jumped down. "Time to pay the piper rat boy, im here to collect." He says.
"Funny, i would've thought he'd send someone bigger." Yuki replies back, the sarcasm just flowing from his mouth.
Kyo starts getting mad.. but not that mad.. until...
"Yuki!  What was that noise? Kyo's not here is he?!?" Shigure shouts up, resulting in Kyo punching Yuki and running away.
"Who was that?" I ask
"That is Kyo... he's got a bit of a chip off his shoulder but.. hes an okay boy.. as long as you dont piss him off" Shigure chuckles, then stares up at the roof, "on a more serious note, we're gonna have to get that roof fixed. And fast."
"Ill sort it out later" Yuki says, taking one last look at it before turning to the door, "but until
Then, lets let Miss Honda unpack and get used to her temporary home.. all this living with two boys and getting out of a tent that couldve got her killed must've confused her at least. We'll call you down once dinner is ready, Miss Honda."
"Okay.. oh and Yuki.." i say, he looks back at me only a foot away from the doorway, "thank you for allowing me to live here and thank you for giving me your clothes while my clothes are being washed"
He smiles, "its my pleasure Miss Honda, just make yourself at home, okay? I dont want you to feel uncomfortable in your own habitat--- i mean home. Yeah, home." He smirks and then leaves the room.

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