Hinata Hideki x reader (part 2/2)

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As he leans in for your thank-you-kiss, Yurippe calls you both in and the entire Battlefront for a new operation. "Operation High Tension Syndrome." She says, looking at every single Battlefront members' reactions one by one, all the reactions were the same: confusion. "Why is everyone reacting like that?!?" Otonashi questions, freaking out as per usual. "Im sorry, i havent heard of this operation before." Says Takumatsu, straightening his glasses again. "What exactly do we do in this operation, Yurippe?" You ask, taking a look at Hinata, leaning over Ōoyama's chair. "Basically, you just have to do everything whilst overreacting. If you speak, shout. If you drink something, guzzle it. And most importantly: remember to have a big smile on your face." She explains, looking pretty proud of herself.

Le spongebob guy: 3 hours later...

"Hey Hinatkins! Lets have some fun! A cute girl is asking you ouf you lucky scoundrel! CMOOONNN!!" Yui starts shouting in his face as usual, shes lucky because this operation will be easy for her.

"Alas, im going to play catchball with Otonashi THATS WHAT IM GONNA DO! HAHA!" He shouts. "Oh and ... Y/N... would you like to play too?"

"Oh erm sure." You say, looking at everyone anxiously.

"This will be a perfect chance for us two to catch up... and perhaps i can finally give you that kiss ive been waiting to give you." He says, looking out of the window smiling, he then snaps out of it. "So anyone else want to play?"

Everyone shakes their heads. So its just you, Otonashi and Hinata. ROMANCEEEE 😏😂 wonder whats going to happen 😏😏


He kisses you. Passionately. He literally grabs your waist and pulls you closer, letting his mouth touch yours.

Anime characters x reader Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora